Page 8 of Conflicted Desires

Atlas jumped up from his chair, hands on his head. "Oh my god! I knew it! I knew it! I knew I sensed something between you three. And now it makes perfect sense why Luca couldn't keep his mouth shut.” He grinned, “As they say, nothing stays secret between the sheets." He sat back down and took a long swig of his beer, nodding to himself. "Mind successfully blown."

"You done?" I asked casually.

"Not by a long shot bro." Atlas grinned. "I sense it's like a good cop, bad cop type scenario? Luca is the bad lover boy and you're the good one, so she'll listen to you if you approach her, right?"

I considered for a moment, "More or less."

Luca groaned loudly. "What's your point Atlas?"

"Well, I think Nico's plan has legs. If she trusts Nico, why not let him try and make contact, without her running. After all, he did risk his life for her, so she's bound to trust what he says."

I snapped my fingers, "Exactly, Atty. I'll stay close with her. Be her friend, which I am, and she has no reason to hate me."

"Yes. Friend." Atlas said seriously, quoting with his fingers in the air.

I rolled my eyes and we both looked at Luca who seemed to be deep in thought.

"Okay. Do it," he conceded.

Downing the rest of my whiskey, I jumped off the stool and made toward the door.

"Hey where are you going?" Atlas called.

"To talk to Catalina."

Luca was amused. "Right now? She's on a date."

I shrugged, "Exactly. No better time like the present." Leaving them with their mildly curious faces staring after me, I made my way downstairs and to the main bar.

"What can I get you?"

I smiled at the young woman behind the bar, making her blush. "I'll take a whiskey neat and a mimosa, to be delivered to that woman over there." I pointed at Catalina and the woman nodded.

"No problem. Won't be a moment."

I waited patiently as the drinks were made and watched as the mimosa was delivered to the table.Catalina looked up at the waitress in confusion before they both looked my way. I grinned, giving her a small wave. I wasn't sure what her reaction would be, and I steeled my nerves for the worse.

Why was I feeling nervous?

When she gave me a brilliant smile, I couldn't help the flutter in my chest. She looked beautiful, sure, but when she smiled, she looked out of this world.

She turned to her so-called boyfriend and spoke briefly before taking her mimosa and coming my way. She paused in front of me, her smile still bright and looked at me with a strange look in her eye.

"I was beginning to wonder when I would see one of you boys again."

"And do you like what you see?" I joked.

"So far." She smiled coyly and sat on the stool beside me. "What do you want Nico?"

"I wanted to see if you were okay."

She smirked, "Still trying to protect me, I see?"

"Always." I held her eyes. Flirtation aside, I was serious.

She averted her eyes and took a sip of her drink. "I'm fine. I'm with my family now."

"Your family, or your boyfriend?"