Page 5 of Conflicted Desires

I swallowed hard, "So it's true then? My father is dead?"

The woman looked at me in shock. "Oh, good lord. She's still in denial, the poor thing." She stood and sat beside me, patting me on the knee. "Yes dear. You were at his funeral. Remember?"

I looked down at the floor, trying to remember anything resembling a funeral. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry. I don't remember anything."

The old man Benji frowned, the worry evident on his face."What do you mean? What do you remember?"

I shrugged, "Not much. Not anything really."

Benji was about to question me further when the front door burst open, and a big burly man rushed into the room. He was dressed in his night clothes, with a maroon silk robe tied off at the waist.

"Where is she?" He boomed, before he caught sight of me. "Oh, thank all the angels in heaven. My Cat is home." He rushed over, and I was barely able to put my tea down safely before I was swept off the couch and lifted into the air and into his arms. I stiffened, as he too, held me in a crushing embrace. When he finally pulled back and set my feet back on the ground, his eyes were full of tears.

"I thought I had failed my brother. I said I would look after you and protect you with my life, but you were gone before we had even laid him to rest." Tears rolled down his face as he grabbed me again and crushed me too him as he sobbed. "And now you're back, as healthy and safe as ever. My beautiful, darling niece."

Niece? So, this must be my uncle?

Benji stood from the lounge smiling. "Do you remember your uncle Darius, Catalina?"

I felt the big man stiffen and let me go. He took a hesitant step back, and I studied his confused face carefully. But no matter how hard I tried, nothing was coming to me.

I shook my head slowly. "No. I'm sorry. I only get little pieces that come back to me now and then."

The big man, my uncle, stared at me in shock, and Benji continued. "Do you remember any of us?"

I averted my eyes and shook my head again. I felt like an intruder in their home. An outcast.

"Well then. Let's start with introductions. This man is your uncle Darius, your father, Mateo's, younger brother."

Uncle Darius must have still been in shock, as he stood there motionless, gaping at me. His mouth was opening and closing like a goldfish, as if he were wanting to say something.

"This is Martha my wife, and I'm Benjamin. We've been working for your family since the dawn of time. We've watched you grow up since you were five years old." He turned to the younger man who gave a quick wave."And this is Kurt. The apprentice vintner who we've been training in the business."

I nodded, "It's nice to meet you all… again that is." I looked around, "Is it just you four who live here? What about my mother?"

The worry lines on Benji's forehead deepened as he glanced hesitantly at my uncle, who finally found his voice.

"Cat, your mother died when you were a child. You were only five when it happened."

I nodded silently, unsure of how I felt about this news. Saddened, sure, but I couldn't mourn someone I didn't know. Same went for my father.

"How did my parents pass away?"

My uncle cleared his throat uncomfortably, "Perhaps we had better sit down." He took my hand and led me back to the lounge and sat down beside me. Still holding my hand, he took a deep breath."Cat, your mother died of cancer when you were very young. Your father loved her dearly and was devastated. He became lost. He didn't know what to do, and so he hired Martha and Benji to help with things around the home, including raising you."

Martha nodded sadly, "We were not blessed with meeting your mother, dear, but we have heard the most wonderful things about her. She was considered a lovely and kind woman."

Uncle Darius nodded in agreement, "And as for your father, he passed recently. Only a few months ago. He was, he was…. murdered." His voice broke, and he looked hesitantly at me, surprised that I didn't react. "You knew about your father, didn't you?"

"Yes," I said quietly. "What I don't know is, why? What happened?"

He shrugged, "We don't know. Your father was a powerful man. He may have had enemies we don't know about. The police are still investigating."

I nodded silently, looking at the floor for some time as I pondered my next question. There were so many.

"You said that I was gone before he was laid to rest. What happened?"