Page 36 of Conflicted Desires

When I entered the room, Nico and Atlas abruptly stopped and looked at me in surprise.

“Catalina! What are you doing here?” Nico asked. “I thought you wanted some time to sort things out?”

I smiled at them both, “I did, and I have. I wanted to speak to you all. Especially Luca. I want to ask him some questions.”

Nico and Atlas just looked at each other solemnly, and the smile left my lips.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s Luca,” Atlas said. “He’s missing.”

My heart skipped a beat. “What do you mean, missing?

“He’s gone, Catalina. As in we haven’t seen him for over a week now.”

I leant my crutches against the table and pulled out the nearest seat. “When was the last time you saw him.”

“We saw him,” Nico said.


“The last time we saw him, Catalina.” Nico repeated. “The last time we saw him was the night we were together.”

I was incredulous. He’d been missing all this time?

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I demanded.

Nico shrugged, “You said you needed your space. Besides, it’s for us to handle the situation, and we didn’t want to worry you.”

“So, is it being handled? Do you even know where or who he is with?”

The boys looked at each other again with crestfallen gazes.

“I’ll take that as a no,” I whispered.

“Look, this is serious Catalina. We don’t know if he is dead or alive, and there are other matters to consider.” Nico said solemnly. “It’s probably not best that you are here right now.”

“I, I don’t understand.”

“We are concerned for Luca’s wellbeing, but there’s also other things we need to worry about.” Atlas chimed in, “He’s missed a lot of meetings. Some deals have fallen through. Some associates are not happy that he has disappeared and are thinking something nefarious is afoot. Word has gotten out that he’s MIA and some wrongly believe we are weakened as a result. Already we have thwarted several assassination attempts. It’s probably best if you are not here when another one happens.”

Nico shook his head with anger, rising to his feet, “Oh, great job dickhead. Way to go. What happened with ‘we cannot tell Catalina, so it doesn’t scare her’?”

They were right. I was scared shitless. Instead, I put up a brave front. I wasn’t going anywhere. Not until I knew where my Luca had gone.

My Luca.

I hadn’t realized until now, how much he meant to me, and my heart thudded heavily in my chest at the thought of not seeing him again. Not having him in my arms again.

I pushed back the thoughts as tears threatened to spring into my eyes.

No! I couldn’t waste my energy thinking negative thoughts.

Instead, I channeled it into focusing on a solution.

“Atlas, you said ‘wrongly believe we are weakened.’ What did you mean by that?”

Both Atlas and Nico glanced at the man who was still staring into the fireplace.