Page 33 of Devil May Cry

“No Kyle,” she said as she shoved the door open and walked down the steps to the limo. I stopped a moment and let her go. She was clearly pissed at how that all went. I don’t know which part pissed her off more. I don’t know how to deal with drama like this. Another reason I never did relationships. I’m going to be the asshole no matter how this goes down.

The driver opened the door for her as she got in.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and took a breath before I got in. She was across the back of the limo; her arms were folded as she looked out the window. She didn’t look at me as I sat down next to her.

“Clearly you’re pissed,” I said. She still didn’t look over at me. She wiped her eyes but didn’t look at me. Fuck she’s crying. I really do not know how to navigate a woman in tears, not when I was the cause of them.

“I am pissed. Not only was I painted as a gold-digging whore, but then you quite adamantly pulled away from me and removed my arms from around your neck. You acted like you were repulsed,” she screamed at me. It wasn’t her words that wounded me. It was the tears I saw streaming down her face.

“Alexia…I…I don’t know what to say. I was fucking worried as hell all this shit would happen. That you cannot jive in my world,” I whispered. I wanted to yell, slam my fists into something for her to feel like this.

“Fuck you, Kyle. I don’t want this. I can be disrespected a little less publicly anywhere else,” she yelled as she slid away from me.

“Oh, so you’re giving up already,” I yelled. Now I was pissed. Truly pissed.

“I’m not getting on the plane with you when we get back. I’m just going to get a room somewhere and stay a few days before I head back,” she said quietly as she looked out the window.

“That’s great. Just fucking great,” I yelled as I yanked at my curls.

“You got what you wanted all along, Kyle Cain, to be unattached,” she looked over at me. I couldn’t believe she went there. I made it truly clear I wanted this with her.

I haven’t told her how I truly feel. I won’t be now either. If she can’t handle this, the very first thing. Then she isn’t going to handle much else.



I couldn’t believe he didn’t stick up for me, and to make it worse he stopped our kiss in front of the entire country. I can only imagine the things that are going on the internet now. I’ve never been so humiliated in my entire life.

He told me we were in this together, that I would be okay. He doesn’t know how to have a relationship, and he can’t keep his fucking fan club at bay for my benefit.

“Alexia, can we please talk about this?” he asked me, trying to grab my hand. I pulled my hand away and wiped my eyes. I’m pissed that I’m crying, I don’t want him to see how hurt I am because of him. I just need to end this nice and clean.

“Can you please drop me off at a hotel near the airport please?” I asked the driver.

“Yes ma’am,” he answered. Kyle put the window divider up. He got down on the floor in front of me.

“Please, don’t be stupid about this. Come back to Tennessee with me. Let’s talk this out,” he begged.

“Why Kyle? Why should we work this out?” I asked him. I held his eyes, as the silence stretched out between us.

“Yep, that’s what I thought,” I yelled as I leaned forward in his face. He put his forehead in my lap and pounded the seat next to me with his fist.

“Alexia. I don’t want you to go,” he mumbled into my thighs. If he was going to try and fuck me out of this, it was not happening. I picked his head up off my lap and scooted to the other end of the bench seat.

“I knew it was too good to be true. It always is if something can’t be explained. It was too easy between us. I stupidly had to go fall in fucking love with you,” I yelled, “lesson learned,” I finished.

“You what?” he asked as he sat back in the seat next to me and tried to grab my hand.

“You fucking heard me, I’m not repeating myself,” I said as I pulled my hand away. He looked so defeated, but I wasn’t going to let him deter me. He had his choice of anyone in this city, or anywhere for that matter. I’m just a now unemployed southern girl that got lucky enough to meet him outside of the club. I went against the grain of his existence.

“I didn’t want to hurt you, Al, I don’t know what to do here,” he said, trying to level with me.

“No one has ever made me feel so low. I can’t come back from this, but you can,” I


“You act like you’re so easy to replace,” he yelled. I looked out the window, I know I’m a dime a dozen to him. I was good for fucking and that’s where my value ends.