Page 92 of Affliction

“I have the connections to figure that one out. Trust me. If there’s one thing Jackson cannot stand, it’s men hurting women. So know that he will help me with this.”

“No, I don’t want to involve anyone else. I don’t want anyone else getting hurt,” I pleaded with her.

“Relax, he’s a Navy Seal, remember? No one would dare mess with him.”

“Thank you, but that’s not necessary.” I was more than a little proud of myself for how even I was able to keep my tone. “Let’s just wait things out and see. For now, I think our only course of action is to cancel the appearances. Obviously, I can’t go on TV like this, someone will put two and two together.”

Catherine nodded. “Yes, we will want to cancel those.”

She didn’t say anything about me asking her to hold off on talking to Jackson. There was no confirmation or denial in her words. I wasn’t sure what she would do, but I wasn’t going to delve into it any further right now.

For the time being, the goal was to get through the day without many questions. Hopefully, with no more encounters from Chad.

I smiled warmly at her, trying to reassure her I was all right, but I could tell from the way she was studying me that she wasn’t sure.

“What are you going to tell Terry? He knows nothing of Chad, correct?”

I shook my head. “I have no idea. I don’t want him to look at me differently.” Catherine got ready to interrupt, but I cut her off quickly. “I can’t see that look of pity on his face, I just can’t. Everyone looks at you differently after you go through something like I did. Like you’re made of glass and any sudden movements, shifts, or pressure will cause you to crack.”

“Mia.” Catherine wasn’t looking at me with pity but understanding. I was wondering what was behind that. But I didn’t ask. “He’ll want to know so he can help protect you. You know he would want that chance, and I want you to have someone with you, like him. Please consider it.”

I shrugged and made a noncommittal noise.

“Just remember, if you don’t tell him, I might accidentally do it for you.”

“You wouldn’t.” I gasped.

“You never know what I will do. And it would all be in the name of protecting you, so you can’t get mad.”

“So you say.” I smiled, shaking my head.

“There, that’s what you’ve been missing since the minute I walked into this office.”

“What’s that?”

“Your smile. Without even seeing your face, I saw your posture, and I knew something was off. You were all slumped over at your desk, and the closer I got, I could see the light was gone from your eyes. Then I saw your cheek and your lip.”

My smile faded and I felt my lip tremble.

“Don’t, Mia. You hold your head high. Don’t let that bastard win. We will get him and make him pay for thinking he can walk back into your life and force you to live in fear.”

Her words held a touch of finality, and I knew she was going to tell Jackson. And maybe that was okay. Because maybe, just maybe, he would be able to help me and send the monster away for good.