Page 76 of Affliction

Once Terry had changed and grabbed his camera bag, we were headed to Santa Monica Beach. It was the perfect spot to photograph the long, white sandy beaches, the sights from the pier, roller coasters, and people enjoying a carefree Sunday.

We made our way down onto the white sand. I lingered behind while Terry headed toward the surf. He kicked off his Converse and allowed his feet to meet the water. I stood back and watched him. He looked completely at peace in that moment—feet in the surf as it licked his ankles, head pointing upward toward the sun. I pulled my camera from my bag and focused it on Terry.


I snapped a picture of this moment: him enjoying the sun and surf for the first time in who knows how long. I wanted to remember him, and I wanted him to remember it too.


A megawatt smile spread across his face. He turned his head so I could see the full force of his smile.


I was definitely developing that one. I needed to frame it. Maybe hang it in my apartment; keep it somewhere safe to remind myself that we still remembered how to be happy. How to be free, even after all we’d been through.

“Come on, pretty girl. Put the camera down and come play with me.”

I laughed at his words but did as he asked. My camera went back into my bag and was placed safely with the rest of our stuff. Running back to the surf, I joined him. I winced when the cool water lapped at my feet. It was a lot cooler than I had expected it to be. A splash of water came flying in my direction. At first, I thought it was from a wave, but I looked over at Terry just as another spray hit me. I squealed.

Terry kicked more water in my direction, a boyish grin on his face. I laughed and joined him, kicking my own spray of water in his direction. He howled with laughter and ran to avoid my next splash of salty water. I joined in and ran toward him.

We kicked water, laughed, and ran around in the surf until our legs were wet.

“Best day ever,” Terry said when he came over to me. Arms held up in a sign of truce. “I swear I won’t spray you anymore.”

I giggled. “Agreed. This was fun. I hadn’t realized how much I needed that.”

“What, to head to the beach and get soaked by the waves? You mean to tell me you live this close to the beach and you don’t take advantage of it?”

I shrugged. “Nope, not really. After my morning routine, I usually spend the rest of the day catching up on my never-ending email box.”

“Oh, now that’s just sad.” He pulled me into a side hug as we made our way back to the surf. This time, our cameras were out—there would be no more splashing. “You need to learn to live a little bit, darlin’.”

I laughed. “Oh, I am. I’m living. Well, making a living while making my dream come true.”

“You know, you can breathe now. You’ve done it. You’ve made your dreams come true. Your company is successful and getting bigger. Take a breath, take it in, and enjoy it.”

I looked over at him and beamed. Hearing those words from him warmed me all over. I could tell he was proud of me. Even though we had been apart for so long, and I thought I hated him, his approval felt like everything.

A camera flash went off—Terry had taken my picture. I stuck my tongue out at him and heard another click. Deciding to take his advice, I let my camera hang around my neck, turned my face toward the sun, and let the warmth of it wash over me.


Of course, he took a picture of that.

Quickly, I snapped my camera up and caught a picture of the smile on his face as he appraised me.

“You’re quick,” he said.

“I am,” I said with a wink.

“Would you like me to take a picture of the two of you?” A voice from behind us called. We both turned to see a graying older man dressed in running clothes. “I’m not a fancy photographer like you guys, but I can certainly hit the right button.”

Terry laughed. “That would be wonderful. Thank you.”

We stood together, placing an arm around the other. I turned toward the man and smiled. Click. The man snapped a photo. It took me a minute to realize that Terry was still looking at me rather than the camera. We grinned at each other, and I heard another click.

“Sorry, it just looked like a moment you two might want captured.”