Page 71 of Affliction

I rolled off her but made sure my hip was still touching hers. We lay there in silence, our breathing slowly returning to normal as my hand ran up and down her thigh.

“You were amazing,” I finally admitted to her. “The first time I made love to you again, I wanted it to be better than those quick times at your office.”

I stole a glance at her just in time to see her break out in a smile.

“It’s you and me. I don’t think it could ever be bad,” she said. “Besides, I think we needed those quick and dirty times at the office. It made this one that much sweeter.”

“I like the way you think.” I leaned over and kissed her on the lips. Not meaning for it to turn into round two, but it did.

That was always the way it worked with us: simple touches or kisses turned into sex. They say some things never change, and I was glad this was one of them.

After enjoying each other’s body yet again, she curled into my side and went to sleep. She smelled like me as I held her. Placing a quick kiss on her head, I allowed myself to drift off to sleep, thinking of all the dirty ways I could wake her up in the morning.