Page 40 of Affliction

“Sure it is.” With that, Terry gave me a quick kiss on my head and started for the door.

I was frozen in my spot, wishing he had placed that kiss somewhere else. It would have been better if he’d actually touched my lips or brushed my neck. The kiss he gave me was like one you’d give a small child who’d been pouting. Maybe that’s what I was doing by banging Bryce and rubbing his face in it—acting like a sullen child. But he was here doing me a huge favor for my company. I’d heard from HR that he hadn’t requested his usual fee for his work with the catalog, which was a huge blessing. We never could have afforded it.

“Yo, Mia,” he called out.

I turned my body to see he was now standing over by the door, propped up on the frame. I swallowed loudly, trying to calm the thoughts of how delicious he looked.

“Yeah?” I finally managed, my voice barely audible over the hum of the fridge.

“Don’t you have a meeting to get to?” His tone was teasing, and it caused me to blush all over.

“Yeah, I do.” I made my way toward him so I could exit the kitchen.

“Better get to it, then,” Terry said with a wink before disappearing.

I needed to get to my office and join the call that was surely almost over by now. What was it about Terry that, after all these years, made me want to blow off my responsibilities just to converse with him? I shook my head. “Get it together, Mia,” I scolded myself and headed back to my quiet office. That, thankfully, meant zero chances of me running into Terry again.