Page 114 of Affliction

“You’ve met her, right?” I asked with a laugh. “She’ll just bug the shit out of Hawkeye until he relents.”

“He’s trained to withstand torture,” he reminded me.

“Not like this.”

Rip shook his head and laughed. “It’s your call Muffin.”

I nodded and walked over toward the windows. I gazed out over the city skyline, hoping it cleared my head. I had to hand it to Mia, she had a hell of a view. Catherine said that she had been in this apartment for over ten years. Frankly, given the view, I could see why.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed Hawkeye. It only rang a handful of times before I heard his voice on the other end.

“Hey, man. How is everything going? She doing okay?”

Hawkeye sighed into the line. “Yeah, she’s settling in as well as can be expected. I finally got her to lie down and relax. She’s working, but I think it’s helping her take her mind off things.”

“Yeah, that’s good. Keep her busy as much as you can.” It was my turn to sigh into the line. “We can’t find him, Hawk. I’m not sure where he went—if he went dark on us or if he’s just that fucking good—but I can’t find him.”

“Okay,” was his only reply.

“I think you better let her know we’re still working on things, but no plan has been made yet.”

“Yeah, I can let her know that,” he replied. He sounded disappointed too. We were all looking forward to nailing this motherfucker to the wall.

“Keep her calm, though, if you can.”

Hawkeye laughed into the phone. His voice dropped lower the next time he spoke. “Sometimes I feel like that’s easier said than done.”

I laughed in understanding. “Do what you can.”

“I will. Any word on Terry? Is there an update I can give her there?”

“Yeah, he’s out of the hospital. It was only a broken nose. They don’t think he had a concussion, but he’s being monitored. Goat is nearby.”

“Okay, that’s good. I’ll let her know.”

“Thanks, man. I’ll call when I can. With better news next time, I hope,” I promised him. I never promised, but I had to give him something, something positive to take to Mia.

“I know you will. Don’t worry, we’re going to get this son of a bitch. This is you, Muffin. Muffin always gets his man.”

I laughed into the phone. “Thanks, talk soon.”

“See you,” he said, and the line went dead.

I looked out at the city once again and wondered where that piece of shit was hiding. He could hide all he wanted now, but we were going to find him. I promised Mia she’d be rid of the man, and if that meant killing him, then so be it.