Page 87 of Affliction

Chapter Thirty-Six


Ally promised not to say anything to Terry or Catherine about the flowers. I threw the card and the flowers in the trash. When Terry entered my office later that day, of course, he saw them. But I simply explained that they were from Bryce. It was a lie and it stung. I hated to do it. Especially when I saw the way his face twisted in pain when he heard that Bryce sent me flowers. But he recovered quickly when he realized they were in the trash for a reason. It pacified him—at least for now. Flowers were something I could hide. Anything else would be another story.

“You ready to head out yet, darlin’?” His voice dropped octaves when he spoke with his southern drawl. It did the same thing when we made love too. It always sounded best when he was whispering dirty things in my ear while driving in and out of me.

“Not quite yet. I have some things I’ve been neglecting. I think I’m just going to work here for a little while longer and then crash at home,” I admitted.

“Is that your way of saying you’d like some space tonight? That you don’t want any Terry loving?”

I giggled. God, he was sexy. “That’s kind of what I’m saying, cowboy,” I teased.

“Cowboy huh?” He smirked at my familiar nickname for him.

“I heard my nickname for you is becoming a thing here at Shoegasm?” I asked with a laugh. He looked so puzzled, it was adorable. So, I explained it to him. “I heard one of the girls calling you that behind your back. It’s good, it suits you.”

He howled with laughter. “You want to come home and see how this cowboy rides?”

I flushed at the insinuation. He chuckled.

“Come on, I’m so much more fun to look at than whatever those reports are that had your attention a few moments ago.”

“That may be true, but I have so much work to get done.” I hated that my voice was coming out in a whine, but I was falling behind in my work. If I wasn’t leaving early to spend my evenings with Terry, I was arriving later than normal because I was waking up with Terry. Which was proving to be so much fun. It usually involved an orgasm or two before I even had my morning coffee. And with the mattress gymnastics he was serving up, who needed a workout?

“I can wait for you. I’ll sit here quietly while you work and then take you home and not be so quiet.” He licked his lips seductively, and my whole body flushed with heat.

“That is a very tempting offer, Terry, but I have work to do. Just one night apart. I think you can manage that, can’t you?” I cocked an eyebrow at him in challenge. But Terry merely laughed.

“I can,” he told me, getting up from the chair he had unceremoniously thrown himself in and stalking around to my side of the desk. I laughed and placed my hands on my head. His arms found my shoulders, and he began rubbing. “I can do a lot of things.” He leaned down and licked my earlobe, sending a shiver up my spine. “But right now, there is only one thing I would like to do.”

“N-no,” I stammered. “Not tonight. I’m sorry, but I’ve really got to get through these reports and provide Accounting with some much-needed answers.”

I turned just in time to see him pout. “Fine. I suppose I can go home and play with myself.”

I shook my head. “Fiend.”

“You love it,” he said as he made his way back around to the chair where he had thrown his camera bag and coat. “Besides, I’m your fiend.”

I felt my whole body heat at the simple ‘your.’ Yes, he certainly was mine, and I was happy to have him again.

“That little smile tells me you would much rather be headed home with me than staying here and doing this bit of work you have.”

“Terry,” I said, my voice coming out in warning.

“Fine, fine. I know when I’m not wanted. I can go home and relax all by myself. But if you get lonely, you know where to find me.”

“I do. Thank you for the invite. But I will be seeing you tomorrow. Remember, we have the photos that need redone. I think the fun-bag twins will be back,” I said, only half-serious about being upset that Ginger and Alexa were coming back so he could take more pictures of them. They were our only option. We were up against a tight timeline, and since they were close personal friends of Terry’s, they had no problem accommodating his request.

“The fun-bag twins, huh? You realize they don’t look anything alike?”

“Yeah, that’s what I’m focusing on,” I told him, an edge creeping into my voice.

“I mean, one is blonde, the other a—”

“Stop. I don’t want to hear any more about them. I know what they look like. Believe me, I don’t think I’ll ever forget.” I shook my head, trying to get rid of all thoughts of Alexa, Ginger, and Terry in bed together. It may have been tamer than the images popping into my head, but I was really good at imagining the worst.

Terry just chuckled again—at my expense. “You’re jealous.”