Page 37 of Affliction

Chapter Eighteen


Anger had propelled me away from her. One foot in front of the other, I’d fled the scene from Bryce’s apartment building. Although, from what I understood, and from what I was able to find by a Google search, he lived in the penthouse. Stupid rich asshole with the perfect penthouse and the restaurants.

Mia loved food. That was probably what he did earlier that morning—making sure she’d gotten a good breakfast. Sure, I could cook. But last night, I’d looked up his restaurants, and the reviews he’d received were unbelievable. He had worked with the likes of Bobby Flay, Marc Murphy, and some other names I thought sounded familiar. If I weren’t so angry at the fucker, I might have even gone to one of his restaurants and tried the food. But pride wouldn’t let me.

Pride. The same thing that had me walking by the building earlier today, waiting for her to emerge and hoping that she hadn’t stayed the night. But I knew she had. He wouldn’t let her leave so late at night, even if he lived in a good neighborhood.

After two laps around the block, I’d seen her. She’d come out of his apartment dressed in running clothes. Clearly, she kept things at his apartment; clothes—running clothes at that. He had made space for her in his home. No one could doubt that Bryce was hoping she would be more to him than just a friend or bed buddy.

The women we had been working with this past week were ones I’d been involved with. Part of that was my fault, and the other was the fact that they were the most sought-after models in the industry. Mia’s company had needed help with the reshoots, and I needed them to be absolutely perfect for her. I didn’t think my history with those women would be brought up, or that Mia would feel like it was all being thrown in her face. I could see now how she’d felt that.

I was an idiot. Now, I understood how she must have felt having to watch me with not one but two women. Especially after Ginger’s mention of our threesome. God, I was such an ass. I missed Mia, though. I really did.

Walking the city streets back home to my apartment had done nothing to quell my temper at where I’d found her. But I wasn’t mad at her anymore; I was mad at myself. I was being an ass. I felt bad, and I needed to find a way to fix it. Without giving it a second thought, I shot Mia a text.

Terry: I’m sorry, beautiful girl. I didn’t mean to insult you today.

It took a while before she responded to me. Not that I was surprised. I figured she was busy with Bryce or too angry to reply. But when she did, the response made me smile.

Mia: Thank you. Apology accepted. I owe you one too. I wasn’t actually fair to you this morning.

Terry: It’s okay. It’s not like anyone wrote a book about what to do when your ex comes back into town and forces you to work with him.

Mia: True. See you Monday.

Terry: See you later, darlin’.

I was going to do my best not to make her angry or fight with her. No, the next time I saw her, I only wanted to make her smile. Remind her why she’d loved me once and see if I could get her to do it again.