Everyone leaves eventually and if Max does, he’ll take my heart and soul with him, leaving me wallowing in broken dreams and a broken heart that I can’t afford to lose.
I have a daughter to raise and she has to come first. What kind of mother would I be if there was nothing left of me but a dusty, broken heart barely beating in my chest?
Not the good kind, that’s for sure.
Three steps forward and five steps back. That’s how things seem to go with Stella.
Right now, I’m staring across the room at her in Daffy’s art studio and cursing her stubbornness under my breath.
She’s been dodging me for the last three days. I closed on the house two days ago and I want to take her to see it but every time I get near her she bristles up like an adorable little hedgehog and darts away from me.
Daffy eyes me sympathetically. I think the whole damn town knows that I’m fucking stuck on this girl but they also have a front-row seat to her ditching me every chance she gets.
“I’m thinking about babysitting Daisy tonight,” she says, smiling at me. Her husband, Harrison glares at me like I’m propositioning her or something.
“That’s nice,” I say.
“You’re not getting it. I’m thinking that Harrison and I are going to watch Daisy all night tonight.” She smirks over at her hubby. “That means that Stella will be all around tonight. That means she won’t have an excuse to run away again.”
My heart lifts up and I eye the two of them, smiling slowly. “She’s really good at running.”
Harrison grunts, “So get better at chasing, man.”
“I can do that,” I say, my eyes slewing over to my little princess who is doing her level best to keep from looking at me. “Am I wasting my time though?”
Daffy grunts. “I think you know the answer to that. She wants you. Everyone in town can see it. They’re all placing bets on how long it takes you to win her over. Odds are on six months.”
Horror streaks through me. “Hell no!” I gasp. I’m not waiting that long to get my woman!”
Several heads turn towards me and I groan as I see someone whispering to Stella. She doesn’t even glance over at me.
“I’d appreciate any help you can give me.”
“We’ll keep Daisy tonight but it’s up to you to get Stella on board. She’s pretty damn stubborn.”
That’s the understatement of the year. She’s as stubborn as a damn mule.
I know she’s got feelings for me. I felt it when I was buried face-first in her pretty pussy. She couldn’t possibly fake how damn turned-on she was.
I should have dragged her off to the bedroom and fucked her until she couldn’t tell me no but I didn’t want to push her. Guess I should have just gone with my instincts.
“How’s your house coming along?”
I grunt. “It needs Stella.”
Daffy giggles. “I never thought that Harrison would be more chatty than any man. And less stupid. You and Stella are definitely a match.”
I’m just not sure whether Stella would say it’s a match made in heaven or hell. I know that she’s my angel. But she’s frustrated with me and I can’t quite understand why. Other than the gifts. Maybe she doesn’t know how to accept gifts. That’s gonna be a problem because I don’t intend to quit taking care of her and Daisy. It’s just not gonna happen. If she wants something, I’m gonna get it. If she needs something, I’ll move mountains to get it as quickly as I can to make her happy.
Although sometimes I wonder if I can make her happy. If love and desire can make her happy, I’ve got it covered.
If it can’t….well, I’ll figure out something because I’m not giving up. Not until I walk that woman down the aisle and make her mine…permanently.
Daffy and Harrison walk up to Stella and I see her shaking her head. But Daffy seems to be arguing with her. Even rubbing her belly. Weird.