Page 9 of Unplanned

“Um, you don’t have to stay in here with me. I’m sure you have other things to be doing,” Autumn says, her voice barely above a whisper with a raspy quality to it from yelling out through her orgasms.

“There’s nowhere else I need to be right now. I can’t guarantee Brick will be waitin’ for you in the room, but I’m here. Do you have any pain reliever? You should probably take some to help with the soreness you’ll feel,” I ask her, needing to give her a head’s up about my best friend because I don’t want him to hurt her feelings with the way he is.

“I’ll take some when I get out of the bath. I got some when I was sick. Doc told me to take it for the fever and to help with the body aches I was having,” she informs me as she sinks down further into the water.

Grabbing the shampoo she’s got sitting on the side of the tub, I motion for her to sink down further to wet her hair. No one is gonna see her freshly fucked if I can help it.

“Are you okay with everythin’ that happened?” I ask her, not sure what’s going through her mind right now.

“I’m okay. I wasn’t lying about not holding onto my virginity for any special reason. I wasn’t waiting for my wedding night or anything. My mother didn’t allow me to associate with kids my age because they weren’t good enough according to her. I’ve never been kissed, had sex, or done anything sexual until today. I just hope I didn’t ruin anything for either one of you,” she tells me, her voice breaking as she gets lost in her own thoughts and memories.

“You were perfect, baby,” I assure her as she finally sinks her head down into the water to wet her hair.

When Autumn gets back out of the water, I pour a generous amount of shampoo into my hand before washing her hair. I massage her scalp and make sure every inch of her hair is soaked in the shampoo before letting her rinse it out. Grabbing the conditioner, I repeat the process. Instead of moving to rinse it out, she lets it sit in her hair while grabbing her body wash and the sponge thing she’s got hanging from the faucet. Taking both items from her, I apply a good amount of body wash to the sponge before putting it back on the side of the tub. I wash every inch of her body from her neck down to her toes. I’m careful around her pussy because I know she has to be sore. On top of being her first time, Brick is not a small man. And he’s got those piercings lining his cock.

Autumn rinses off once I’m done washing her body and pulls the plug to drain the water. I want her to soak for longer, but with the soap filling the water, I can’t blame her for getting out now. Standing up, I grab a large towel and hold it out to wrap her body in. Once she’s covered, I grab another one and hand it to her so she can put her hair in it. I can’t ever figure out how they manage to get their hair in a damn towel and twist it just right so it doesn’t fall off their head. With her hair covered, I remove the other towel from her body and start drying her off. I can tell Autumn isn’t used to anyone taking care of her like this. It makes me wonder if she’s ever had anyone look out for her and just do simple things for her. Anger fills me at the thought of her being treated like shit.

When she’s dry, Autumn heads back into her room from the bathroom and puts a pair of leggings on with an overly large sweatshirt. With her body covered, she removes the towel from her hair and begins to brush it out. After she’s got the long length completely free of knots, she throws it up in a messy bun.

“I’ll take the pain reliever when I actually manage to eat something,” she says on a laugh. “For now, I think I’m gonna just clean my room and relax.”

“Okay, baby. If you need anythin’, just come find me. I might be outside in the garage workin’ on a bike or somethin’,” I tell her, not sure what I’ll do for the rest of the day.

“Okay. Thank you, Ghost,” she says as I walk to the door. “I want you and Brick to know I don’t expect anything from this. It happened and I don’t regret it. But I’m not gonna be some kind of clingy girl or something because we had sex.”

“We didn’t think that, Autumn,” I state before leaving her alone in her room.

Making my way through the clubhouse, I find Brick sitting at a table with Wicked. Heading to my room, I shower and change before making my way outside. With the weather starting to warm up, I know all the bikes need the maintenance done so they’re ready to go when we pull them out. For the most part, none of us have been riding much. Every now and then we do just to make sure there’s no major issues and they aren’t sitting for months on end without running or being started. I lose myself in working on the bikes, but thoughts of Autumn don’t leave my mind. Especially with the way she sucked my cock.

Her inexperience was more than evident, but she paid attention and didn’t have a fucking gag reflex. I’ve never had someone swallow all of my length the way she did. Now, I want to feel her pussy wrapped around my cock. I can’t even begin to imagine how good it will feel and how tight she is. Fuck! I need to keep my thoughts away from her so I can concentrate on what I’m doing.

It’s been a few days now and I still can’t get Autumn off of my mind. I replay Brick and I fucking her daily and have gotten myself off more than I’ll ever admit to anyone. I can’t even begin looking at another woman because all I see is her. No one will compare to her in my mind and it’s really becoming a problem. Though, I have a feeling I’m not the only one having this issue. Brick hasn’t looked at anyone else either. In fact, one of the club girl’s tried to get him to take her back to his room and he refused. I’ve never seen him refuse to get laid before. No one has and we were all shocked.

I want Autumn again but I don’t think Brick is ready for that. While I have no problem being with her on my own, I have a feeling this is about more than just the two of us. It wouldn’t feel right to be with her and not have Brick there. But, I can’t bring myself to approach her when we’re not at work. Even there, I keep my interactions with her to a minimum but always keep an eye on her.

Autumn is still staying in her room for the most part. She has come out to hang out with Quinn once or twice in the last few days. I don’t know if she’s just getting more comfortable being around everyone or if it’s just Quinn. She has a way about her that just brings everyone close to her. Autumn is no different when it comes to Brick’s sister. I even watched her hold Brindley before Brick stole her away and disappeared. It’s nothing new for him, but it’s funny as fuck and we all laugh when it happens because he’s the last guy we’d expect to kidnap a baby and disappear the way he does.

“You and Brick doin’ okay?” Venom asks from the bay next to me as we work side-by-side.

“Yeah. Why?” I return, not sure where he’s going with this.

“Neither one of you are actin’ right. Brick turned down gettin’ laid and you seem to spend time around Autumn but won’t let yourself linger. I’ve seen you watchin’ her more often than not as well. Has somethin’ happened I need to know about?” he asks me, not sure if we’ve hurt her or not.

“Whatever happened between us is personal and not up for fuckin’ discussion. Autumn wasn’t hurt and hasn’t said a word about it again. So, let’s just drop the shit and tell me what you really wanna know,” I bark out, anger filling me at the thought of anyone wanting to know about Autumn and what happened between us.

“I’m just sayin’ that we still don’t know anythin’ about her. Goose has been focused on the mom and asshole she wants her to marry so he hasn’t gotten the in-depth background check on Autumn done. I would never tell anyone who they can and can’t be with, but are you sure you know what you’re gettin’ into with her?”

“I’m not gettin’ into anythin’ with her. We had a moment and it’s over. She knows the score and even told me that she doesn’t expect anythin’ more from either one of us. She’s not clingy and hasn’t caused any problems for either one of us. So, why does it matter what was done or not done between three consentin’ adults?” I ask him, slamming down my tools on the tray by the car I’m working on and turning to face Venom fully.

“Okay, I’ll drop it, Ghost. Just know I’m here if any of you need to talk. And I hope you took precautions because of the lack of knowledge on her. I’m gonna make sure Goose gets her background check to me today. We need to know what the fuck is goin’ on.”

With a nod of my head, I turn my attention back to the car as anger still fills me. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as Venom pulls his phone from his pocket and makes a call. There isn’t a doubt in my mind he’s calling Goose to have him get the background check done and to him immediately. Part of me wants to know what he finds on her while a large part doesn’t want to know. I don’t believe Autumn is here for any malicious reason and feel as if she was serious when she told us she’s just trying to stay away from her mother and the man she wants to force Autumn to marry.

Getting back to work, I push everything out of my mind. It doesn’t matter what I do though. Thoughts of Autumn always fill my head and play on a loop. I always picture her in throes of passion while Brick was fucking her. What they didn’t see was me standing in the doorway of the bathroom after I had my orgasm and went to take care of business and get dressed again. I watch as Brick stared into Autumn’s eyes while fucking her. He’s never done that shit before. When she had another orgasm, I paid full attention to her body. She closed her eyes, her head tilted back stretching out her neck as her entire body flushed. With her back arched and nails digging into Brick’s skin, her legs tightened around his hips as she held on for her life. I’ve never seen anything sexier in my life.

Hours have passed since Venom talked to me about Autumn. She came into the shop around lunchtime and asked for our orders from the diner. Venom let her know this morning that he’d be buying us all lunch today. After getting our order, she disappeared again. The woman didn’t even look in my direction when she was out here. She really wasn’t lying when she said she wasn’t expecting anything more and wouldn’t be clingy. Part of that makes me angry though. I want her to want me as bad as I want her. Now I sound like a fucking pussy.

“You and Brick can meet me in my office when we get back to the clubhouse after work today. Goose got her background check done. He won’t tell me what he found yet, but I don’t have a bad feelin’. We’ll find out what he knows and see if he’s actually found anythin’ yet on the mother and asshole,” Venom tells me as we make our way over to the sinks to clean up for lunch.