Page 31 of Unplanned

“I agree with both of you. We need to hang out and truly be open to the possibility of letting the others in without holdin’ anythin’ back. Brick and I need to prove that we’re in this and we’re not gonna go back to bein’ hot and cold or push you away again. So, we start today. I say we lock ourselves in here and spend the day relaxin’ and just hangin’ out. We can talk, watch movies, or whatever you wanna do, Autumn. Tomorrow is a new day and we can go out with the rest of the club and our parents. I still can’t believe Tank is your fuckin’ uncle. I didn’t see that comin’,” I say, taking off my boots as I climb in Autumn’s bed across from Brick and laying next to her.

The three of us spend the day in Autumn’s bed. Brick or I only leave to get food and drinks so Autumn doesn’t have to go out in the common room. We make sure she takes her medicine and doesn’t get out of bed unless she has to go to the bathroom. It’s honestly the most relaxing day I can remember having in forever. We don’t worry about anything but the three of us as we talk a little bit about growing up in the club and how Autumn loved spending time with her grandparents. She tells us about getting to know Tank and the triplets now too. Tank is taking building his relationship with her extremely seriously and wants her to know he’ll always have her back no matter where she is or what’s going on. It’s a good day and I’m glad we’re starting to work on healing and putting the past behind us.

Chapter Twenty-One


BRICK AND GHOST have spent every available moment with me over the past two weeks. They’ve brought me treats, massaged my sore muscles, and have groveled with the best of them. We’re slowly working on building a strong foundation for either a friendship or the beginning of a relationship. I don’t hold anything back when we talk and neither do they. I’ve learned a little about their reasons for the lack of trust in everyone. Especially in women. I guess I can’t really blame them when they see women only wanting them because of the cut on their back and them belonging to a club. I wouldn’t be very trusting if I were them either. Tank has started to ease up on glaring at them as well.

I’ve also been spending more time out in the common room. No one will let me do a lot around the clubhouse and I still haven’t returned to work. Venom doesn’t want me going back until I see Doc and she gives me the clearance to return. At this point, I’m really not upset about not going back to the garage. I’m scared I’ll relive my mother showing up and attacking me. That it’s all I’ll see when I walk through the door. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a panic attack, but the thought of going back to King’s Kustom is almost enough to throw me into one.

So far, my mother is still in jail awaiting trial. Tony, the officer that’s handling the case, has kept me informed on what’s going on as much as he can. My mother has gotten Nolan to hire her a lawyer and they’re trying to fight the charges against her. Her lawyer is doing everything in his power to get her out on bail, but the judge isn’t having it. At least not at this point. We won’t know more until she actually goes to trial to see if she’s found guilty. I’ve alerted Tony to the marriage contract she has in place with Nolan and Goose also found a will that she’d drawn up in my name. The one I overheard her talking to Nolan about on the phone the day I bought the other car. That’s something I still have to pick up. Or have the guys pick it up for me.

Since I don’t have my phone any longer, I don’t know if Nolan or her have tried to contact me. I don’t care to know if they have. If there’s two people in this world I want less to do with, I don’t know who they are. I ran for a reason and refuse to have anything to do with them. I’ve got my family in Tank and the triplets. Along with Zoey and Tank’s wife. I’m hoping they’ll be coming down soon so we can meet instead of talking on the phone every now and then.

Hawkeye, Kevlar, and Ricochet don’t really leave my side when I’m out in the common room. They shove Ghost and Brick out of the way and take seats on either side of me as close as they can get. It’s funny as hell because Ghost and Brick glare at them and take their seats back the second any of the triplets get up. It’s become a focal point for everyone when we’re in the common room because we all think it’s hysterical. I’ve gone out to lunch with the triplets multiple times and they’ve taken me up to show me their house. The design is actually pretty fucking amazing. Their house is three levels above ground and the basement is finished. Each one of them have an entire floor to themselves with bedrooms, a full kitchen, office, laundry room, and bathrooms. The basement is furnished to be a communal space for all of them to hang out and spend time together. There’s a small movie theater, pool table, a gaming section with a huge TV, a bar, and a few other things. I love their house.

Today, Venom has asked me if I’ll meet with him, Goose, Tank, Steel, Shadow, Brick, and Ghost. There’s no reason I can’t meet with them and if they have news on anything happening with Nolan or my mother, then I want to know about it now. The more I know moving forward, the better I can protect myself. If it were just me I had to worry about, I would probably go without knowing what’s going on and just follow whatever Venom and everyone else wants me to do. Because I’m pregnant, I need as much information as I can get on this situation. I just can’t wait until it’s over with and I can move forward without looking over my shoulder or worrying about someone coming after me based on Nolan and my mother ordering them too. Yes, that’s a very real possibility.

Knowing I don’t have long until we’re supposed to meet, I get out of bed and head for the bathroom. I want to take a long shower to ease the aches I still sometimes get in my body from my mother’s attack. I feel a lot better, but there are still days where I get horrible headaches and pain throughout my body. Dr. Tallman took out the stitches in my head last week and said it’s healed nicely. She wants me to let her know immediately if the headaches get worse or happen more often than what I’ve been experiencing. For now, she said it would be normal with the size of the lump and the hard hit I took.

Taking a shower, I don’t linger as long as I’d want to. It’s not like I can take a really hot shower anyway. The water can only be lukewarm or just past that. I can’t stand being cold so my showers are quick as fuck lately. I get in long enough to wash and condition my hair before moving on to my body. It fucking sucks. I can’t even use a heating pad for a long period of time to help ease the aches in my muscles. So, I’ve been dealing with the aches as best as I can and trying not to take more medicine than I have to.

After rinsing the soap from my body, I get out and dry off with the large fluffy towel that’s shown up in my room. I got a bunch of them and I have a feeling Ghost or Brick got them for me after one of our conversations. With the towel wrapped firmly around me, I make my way into my bedroom and grab a set of clothes to wear for the day. Since I don’t plan on leaving the clubhouse for any reason today, I only put on a pair of leggings and an oversized tee-shirt. They’ve been keeping it warm in the clubhouse because I always seem to be freezing cold.

Heading out of my room, I find everyone I’m meeting with in the common room. They’ve all got plates of food in front of them as Brick stands from his seat and heads to the kitchen. He returns with a plate of food for me. However, there aren’t any chairs for me to sit with them. Brick doesn’t see the problem with that as he takes his seat once again and pulls me down onto his lap. Ghost moves his chair close to us at the same time. With a blush covering my face, I eat the plate of spaghetti and meatballs with a piece of garlic bread.

Once I’m done eating, we all make our way into Venom’s office. Goose takes a seat next to Venom with his laptop sitting on the desk in front of him. Everyone else spreads out throughout the room as Ghost pulls me down onto his lap this time. Both men are constantly touching me and trying to get as close to me as possible. We’re still taking things very slow but if this keeps up, I’m going to be begging them to fuck me sooner rather than later. I didn’t think I’d be so damn horny just because I’m pregnant. But, I always seem to be wet and wanting the men no matter who’s around. My uncle has had to snap his fingers to get my attention more than once when I’ve been lost in my head about thoughts of being with Ghost and Brick again.

“Okay, Autumn, we’re in here today because Goose has been continuin’ to dig into Nolan and your mother. Yes, Tank is definitely her brother and they’ve had no contact in as long as he’s told you. Her parents have also left you a trust fund and she’s kept it hidden from you. Her thought is that if you didn’t know about it, you wouldn’t ever try to access it for any reason. So, you have even more money than what you know about. The triplets also have a trust fund in their name and Tank has inherited the rest. Your mother was left absolutely nothin’ from her parents and it pissed her off. Tony has also made sure that no matter what fancy tricks your mother’s lawyer tries to pull, he’s not gonna get her out of jail or the charges dropped. Tony is doin’ everythin’ he can to keep your mother behind bars where she belongs.

“Nolan has disappeared. He’s not in your hometown and no one has heard from him since your mother was arrested. I’m not sure if she’s had her lawyer contact him with some piece of information or what’s goin’ on. All I know is that we can’t find him. He’s not usin’ his phone, cards, or anythin’ we’d be able to track him with. So, for now, you’re not allowed out of the clubhouse. Not until we know where he is and if he’s comin’ for you. Ghost and Brick are gonna take time off of work so they can stay by your side. Tank, Steel, and Shadow will be here too. They’re gonna stay here until we get this situation sorted out. Is there anythin’ you know about Nolan that can help us figure out what his next move is?” Venom asks me as I take a minute to think about everything I’ve ever heard or seen from the man.

“I don’t know too much about him. Every single time we were around one another, my mother was there. She didn’t trust him not to do something he wasn’t supposed to. Like take me away from her or something. She sure as fuck didn’t stop him from beating me, but as long as it didn’t interfere with her plans, she didn’t give a fuck what he did. I do know he’s got multiple properties, but I’m not sure if they’re all in his name or not. I won’t be his first wife. The first woman he married was killed or in an accident. I don’t really remember all the details. I just know a lot of people believed Nolan played a role in her death to get his hands on her money. That’s the only reason he even married her. She funded his lifestyle instead of the other way around like he wanted everyone to believe,” I tell them as Goose makes notes on his computer.

“Do you know her name or when she was killed?” Goose questions without looking up from his laptop.

“I can’t remember. There’s gotta be a record of him being married though, right?”

“Yeah. I can figure it out from that. I’ve got an entire file on everythin’ Nolan has a hand in. If he gets his hands on you, it won’t be good Autumn. You need to remain with as many people as you can until we get him taken care of,” Goose warns me even though I already know Nolan is willing to do anything to hurt me after he gets what he wants.

“There’s one other thing you should know, Autumn,” my uncle says, stepping up and resting his hand on my shoulder in comfort. “Your mother found out about the baby and we have a feelin’ she’s alerted Nolan to your current situation.”

“No!” I scream out, fear filling me completely. “No. If they know, they’ll take my baby. Nolan will do something horrible to him or her and none of you will ever see the baby again. He wanted me to be a virgin when we married and now that’s not possible. If you think he was gonna hurt me before, it’s nothing compared to what he’ll do now. Neither one of them will let me keep this baby. I can’t let them get close to me.”

I’m panicking and ready to have a full on panic attack. Ghost instantly stands with me in his arms and leaves the office with Brick at his side. They take me back to my room and get me in bed, one on each side of me.

“Breathe with me, baby,” Ghost says, turning my face so I’m looking at only him and nothing else.

He takes a deep breath in and holds it for a few seconds before releasing it slowly. I start to copy him as blackness starts to tinge my vision. For however long, Ghost breathes in and out really slow while I copy him. He’s got my hand resting on his chest so I can feel his strong, slow, steady heartbeat. Between my breathing and his heart, that’s what I focus on. I barely feel Brick rubbing my back and neck to remove the tension from my body.

Finally, I’m breathing normal again and my heart rate has come down and returned to a normal beat. Neither man mentions the baby, Nolan, or my mother. They get me covered up in bed as I’m now freezing my ass off and slide in under the blankets with me. Ghost and Brick get as close to me as they can so I can steal their body heat as I close my eyes and let them continue to soothe me. I’ve never felt fear like I currently am with the knowledge that my mother and Nolan know about the baby I carry. He’s going to be so pissed I’ve ruined his plans and that’s not something Nolan will take lightly. I’m fucked and don’t know what to do. Nolan will be on a warpath now. We all better prepare for him.

It's not long before sleep pulls me under. I’m always exhausted after a panic attack and have to take a nap. Today it’s even worse because I’ve got two strong, hard, hot bodies resting against me and it makes sleep even more possible than normal. I snuggle in deeper to both men and let it claim me. It’s what I need right now and I’m going to take it.

Chapter Twenty-Two
