Page 17 of Unplanned

“Really? She’s been gone for weeks and that’s where your fuckin’ mind goes. Thankfully, we’re not all pieces of shit like you, Janice,” I state, letting her know I know exactly who she is. “So, again, Autumn isn’t here and you won’t find her in the office. I’m not sure where she is or if she’s even in town at the moment. I can be sure to let her know you stopped by though.”

Janice’s face pales as she realizes I used her name when she didn’t give it to me. Before she can spew any further snide remarks, Venom comes out of the main door of the garage that leads directly into the office. She looks between the two of us and doesn’t know who to pay more attention to. Janice only becomes more flustered when Hawkeye, Ghost, and Kevlar step out of the shop as well. This bitch knows there’s no way she can pull one over on us since she more than likely hasn’t done her research into our club or any of us and doesn’t know who she’s dealing with. Now I only hope that Autumn stays away until we can get this bitch out of here.

“Is there a problem out here?” Venom asks, folding his arms over his chest and staring Janice down.

“I’m here for my daughter. This man says she’s not here and I don’t believe him. Since you don’t want to let me see her, I’ll have no choice but to call the police and have them come in to tear this shithole apart piece by piece,” she threatens Venom who openly laughs in her fucking face.

“I’ll save you the call,” he says pulling out his phone and placing a call of his own. “Tony, I’ve got a woman down at the garage who would like police assistance to tear the place apart piece by piece in order to find her daughter. She feels as if we’re holdin’ her hostage or some shit. I believe she told Brick we were usin’ her daughter to gain a ransom from her or some stupid ass bullshit like that. Can you bring some guys down here and take a look so we can get rid of this bitch and get back to work. Unlike her, we actually have jobs to do that doesn’t involve scammin’ men out of their money to our advantage.”

Janice’s face goes from completely pale to redder than a fucking fire engine. We know all about the games she likes to play and now she knows we know all about her. Serves the stupid bitch right for what she’s done to her daughter over the years. Hell, for what she’s still trying to do to Autumn.

Venom listens to Tony speak for a few minutes before he hangs up his phone and stares directly at Janice with malice filling his face.

“A couple of officers will be here in a few minutes. You’re more than welcome to go in and take a look around. We’ll stay out here. The only rooms you can’t open are already locked and we’ll personally open them for the police when they get here. Now, if there’s any damage to the property inside, you’ll be arrested on sight for it and I’ll take you for every penny I can get to cover the costs of anythin’ you do,” Venom tells her, stepping away from the door so she can make her decision.

Janice looks around at us all before getting in her car and quickly leaving our parking lot. She squeals her tires and almost hits an oncoming car in her haste to get away from us. None of us hold back our laughter as we watch her swerve all over the road since she has no fucking control of her car. While I’d love to see her get into a car accident, I don’t want anyone else to get hurt by her destructive ways. So, we keep an eye on things until she disappears from sight. Autumn still hasn’t returned as we all make our way back into the building. Venom doesn’t even go in the office as he makes his way in the shop instead.

“That was fuckin’ interestin’,” Hawkeye says as we all stand together. “Didn’t think she’d have the balls to show up in person. I thought she’d send someone here. We gonna tell Autumn what just happened?”

“Yeah, we are. She needs to know her mother is in town. This only lets us know that there’s more than the tracker Ghost found in her car. We need to sit her down and find out what the fuck is goin’ on and bring up the subject of her havin’ a tracker on her body. And we also need to get her fuckin’ phone to dismantle that shit. It’s just one more way for her to be tracked as we all know. Tony will be here in a minute. We’re not gonna be able to explain his bein’ here away either. He’ll want to talk to Autumn to make sure she’s not here against her will or anythin’ as well,” Venom says, looking at each of us as we hear a car pull in the parking lot.

Looking out, I see Autumn has just gotten back from the bank and with our lunch. Venom and Ghost make their way over to her and have a few words while I hang back and watch them. Ghost takes the lunch we ordered out of the backseat and heads inside. The rest of us clean up before making our way to the breakroom. Venom and Autumn still aren’t in there which means they’re either talking privately or Tony has arrived and they’re talking to him. We can’t forget there is the missing person report out there about Autumn. Tony needs to know about it as I get out of my seat and make my way toward the office.

“Are you sure you’re not bein’ held here against your will?” I hear Tony’s voice as I finally enter the office.

“No, officer. I’m here of my own free will. My mother wants me to come back home and I refused her demands. She called me a few days ago. These men aren’t holding me hostage or treating me unkind. I work here at the garage in the office and love my job. I’m sorry my mother brought this trouble here. She’s upset she’s not getting her way and throwing a tantrum,” Autumn says, her voice weak and wavering with emotion.

A large part of me wants to drag her into my arms and hold her close to reassure her that everything is okay and none of us are mad at her. We’re mad, yes. But not at her. We’re pissed at her mother and the insinuation she made about us holding a woman against her will. That’s not something we’d ever do. That’s what her and Nolan fucking do, but not us.

“Tony, you should be warned that there’s a missin’ person report for Autumn. It’s been filed in her hometown by a Nolan Montez,” I speak up as everyone turns my way.

“That’s interesting,” Tony says, turning his attention back to Autumn where she stands at the desk with Venom right next to her. “Did you leave of your own free will?”

“I did. I packed up some of my belongings, got in my car, and took off. I would have gotten a new car, but didn’t have the money or time to do so. This is something I’ve been planning on doing for a while because I’m twenty-one years old and don’t need to be living with my mother or anyone else. I am more than capable of making my own decisions and figuring out what I want to do with my life on my own,” Autumn says, her voice still barely above a whisper.

“You are absolutely correct. I have everythin’ I need, Venom. If Mrs. Connors comes back here, call me immediately and I’ll make sure she understands that no one is bein’ held against their will and Autumn does not have to return home with her since she’s a legal adult,” Tony says, taking out a card with his information and handing it over to Autumn. “If you see her and you’re not at the clubhouse or with one of the guys, give me a call and I’ll come to you and make sure your mother knows to leave you alone. For now, I’d strongly suggest changin’ your number and blockin’ hers so she can’t contact you further.”

“I will. Thank you, officer,” Autumn says, tucking his card in her pocket before leaving the office and heading toward the breakroom.

“Keep an eye on her, Venom. I don’t have a good feelin’ about this shit. We all know Montez isn’t a good man and if he’s involved with her, nothin’ good will come of it,” Tony states before leaving the office and going back to work.

“This is a fuckin’ clusterfuck. We have to get that phone away from Autumn and destroy it,” Venom says, walking toward the breakroom so he can talk to Autumn some more. I quickly follow him so I know what’s said and going to be done about the situation.

“I’m sorry I lied about the phone, Venom. Here is it,” Autumn says, handing it over. “I just couldn’t get rid of it because there are pictures I have only on there of my grandparents and I didn’t want to lose them. I knew if you guys took my phone before now, I’d lose them. However, I’ve brought problems to the club with it, so I’m not willing to keep it any longer.”

“Autumn, you can’t keep this shit from us. We’re tryin’ to help you and make sure you remain safe and hidden. There’s a reason your mother found you here in Cedar Bay. We have to look into the possibility of your mother or Nolan puttin’ a tracker on your body somewhere. Have you checked the rest of your stuff?” Venom asks her, completely avoiding her lying about the phone.

I look to Ghost because this is just another mark against her in my book. She lied about something as simple as a fucking cell phone and her access to it. What else is she willing to lie about? What else has she already lied about? I have to fucking pull back and get Venom to put someone on following her. I’m not about to be her babysitter and have to get close to someone who has admitted to lying.

“There’s not a tracker on me. I’ve already seen Dr. Tallman and she thoroughly examined me. I’ve also gone through every piece of clothing I brought with me, went through my bags, and checked my shoes. Goose is more than welcome to look at everything if you want. It’s already in the bags in my room. He can gather them up and do his thing so everyone is sure there’s nothing else I’m missing,” she says, looking at the table in front of her.

Autumn’s getting ready to run. She’s gonna leave Cedar Bay and go off on her own. If her bags are packed, she’s already got plans in place and is just waiting for something. I’m not sure what that something is, but Autumn isn’t sticking around. Another thing against her if you ask me. She’s putting all these plans in place and I guarantee she has no plans to tell anyone in the club, including Quinn who really cares about her, about what she’s doing. Without a word, I leave the breakroom and head back in the shop. I don’t have an appetite any longer and want to get this vehicle done so I can get the fuck outta here. I’m done with the bullshit.

Chapter Eleven


WATCHING BRICK LEAVE the breakroom, I know he’s going to make Venom pull him from covering Autumn. She admitted to lying and there’s something else going on. Her clothes and shit have been in the drawers and hanging in the closet. Now everything is suddenly packed up after she’s checked it for a tracker or anything like that. I’m not buying the shit and know Brick isn’t either. Autumn is gonna pull a fucking runner and doesn’t plan on letting anyone know a damn thing about it. This is why Brick didn’t want to get close to her. Why I stopped getting close to her. Autumn can’t be trusted and there’s no way we can deny it now. She’s simply gonna disappear without a word after we took her in and gave her a job and somewhere to stay.