I glance down at my arm, bandaged from the shattered shards. It throbs in a quiet ache, reminding me of the reality I'm trying to escape.

Dennis made the pain more bearable last night, but now he's gone, and I'm questioning if sharing my bed with him was a wise decision. Not just because he's my lawyer but also because of the emotions that stirred in me.

Emotions I've been trying to keep locked up ever since Tom made it clear love can be a dangerous thing.

Lost in my thoughts, I'm startled when my phone buzzes on the kitchen counter. It's a call from Dennis. My heart does a little pirouette as I grab the phone.

"Hey, Lauren. Just wanted to let you know I was able to speed things up, and the court date is set for the day after tomorrow. If you have any evidence against him, anything like text messages and that sort of stuff, please gather all of it. But besides that, how are you holding up?" Dennis' voice carries a tone of genuine concern.

"I'm doing okay, I guess," I say, not entirely convinced. "Guess now I'll have plenty to keep me busy with gathering evidence against Tom and all."

"Good, good. And remember, you're not alone in this. I'm here to help."

"Yeah, I know," I reply, feeling a lump in my throat. "Thanks, Dennis."

After we hang up, I realize how dangerous it is—the way my thoughts orbit around him, the way my mood lifts when I hear his voice. It's not just about physical safety anymore; my emotional sanity is on the line.

I spend the rest of the day poring over old texts, emails, and photos—anything that could serve as evidence against Tom. It's mentally draining to relive those terrifying moments.

Yet, my thoughts drift to Dennis. I wonder if he's thinking about me, if he's also questioning the line we're toeing between professional and personal.

It hits me then. With everything that's going on, the restraining order, the court date, the potential threat from Tom—I haven't really talked to anyone about it.

Not the whole truth, at least. That thought makes me reach for my phone again, not to call Dennis but someone else—my best friend, Sarah.

I haven't told her about how violent and stalkerish Tom has been. Maybe it's time I do. With a court appearance on the horizon, I could use all the support I can get.

I dial Sarah's number, my finger hovering over the call button. It's a step I know I must take, one that opens up old wounds but also promises the relief of unburdening. I press the call button.

The phone rings, waiting for Sarah to pick up, and I prepare myself to let someone else into the darker corners of my life.

The phone picks up on the other end, and Sarah's voice greets me.

"Hey girl, what's up? You never call this late."

My heart pounds.

"Sarah, listen, I need to talk to you about something. I should've told you sooner, and I'm sorry I didn't."

There's a pause, and I can almost hear Sarah's worry permeate the line.

"Okay, what's going on? You're making me nervous."

Taking a deep breath, I let it all spill out.

"Tom has been abusive, and he's stalking me. I'm going to court for a restraining order, and it's all happening tomorrow." I say, as fast as I can, like I’m ripping off a Band-Aid.

The line goes quiet briefly but still long enough for me to regret suddenly unloading all of this.

Finally, Sarah speaks, "Why the hell didn't you tell me this before? I could've helped you."

"I know, I know," I say, my voice tinged with regret. "I was embarrassed, okay? And I knew you never liked Tom to begin with, and I didn't listen to you. So, I felt stupid."

"You are stupid," Sarah retorts, her voice softening. "We're best friends, Lauren. No judgments here. Do you want me to come to the courtroom with you?"

I consider it but shake my head, even though she can't see me.

"No, I think I need to do this one on my own. But thank you. Knowing you support me means a lot."