I never tried anything, though, for fear of ruining things with Liam and because I doubted Chloe would ever give me a second look back then.

But now, as I drive toward her, I can't help but feel this might be my chance to show her I'm not the same boy I was. I've grown up, become something more.

I park my truck near a house unfamiliar to me - Naomi's place, Liam had mentioned. Two cars' worth of gawking faces turned my way, and as I step out of my truck, laughter and conversation reach my ears, but I tune them out. I'm here for Chloe.

I spot her right away, even more stunning than I remember. The past decade has been kind to her, each year adding to her allure, her curves accentuated by her tight black dress. I take a moment to collect myself before approaching her.

But as I get closer, I notice the sadness lurking in her eyes. Liam didn’t tell me what happened, just that she needed help, and despite the years and the distance between us, a surge of protectiveness sweeps over me. I need to take care of her, to be here for her.

"Hi. Are you okay?" I ask her, swallowing down the impulse to pull her into my arms and reassure her.

She nods, her lips curving into a small, grateful smile.

"Thank you for coming, Aaron."

I shrug, a nonchalant grin settling on my face.

"I was heading in this direction anyway."

The lie comes easier than I expect. Chloe doesn't need to know that I would've driven miles out of my way for her. It's clear she's got enough on her mind tonight.

As if on cue, Naomi breezes over, her smile bright.

"Aaron, you look fantastic!" she exclaims, playfully ruffling my flannel shirt.

I offer her a grateful smile and a nod.

She glances at the vehicles.

"Time's ticking. We should head out, or we’ll be late." She then points towards my old truck, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "If you want, you can join the party. There's an extra suit somewhere in my folks’ place. Might make you look less..." She waves her hand over me, teasingly adding, "...lumberjack-ish."

I raise an eyebrow, my smile widening.

"Are you suggesting I'd look out of place at this fancy gathering of yours?"

She shrugs, winking at Chloe and me.

"Might as well bring along the handsome savior, right? Just remember, the other cars have to get there faster. But you two...you two can take your time."

Chloe lets out a little huff, her cheeks turning a shade pinker. Without a word, she moves toward my truck, her heels clicking on the asphalt, and I can't help but notice the graceful sway of her hips and the way her dress accentuates every curve.

Taking a deep breath to calm my racing heart, I rush ahead to open the door for her, and as she enters my truck, I feel a strange sense of hope. Yes, I'm a rugged lumberjack - far from the image of a gentleman in shiny armor. But if this is the chance I have, I'll make the most out of it.

She moves to sit, and my breath hitches at the sight of her cleavage. She's more woman now than girl, confidence radiating from her like a beacon. Yet, I must stay focused. I close the door and circle around to the driver's side, taking a deep breath before sliding into my seat.

"Comfortable?" I ask, turning to look at her.

She nods, her gaze flickering around the interior of my truck before landing on a tiny bobbing head attached to my rear-view mirror. It's a goofy little thing that Liam gave me years ago.

"Have you had that all these years?" she asks, a hint of surprise coloring her voice.

I chuckle, tugging at the bobbing head.

"Yeah, your brother gave it to me before going to the army. I started calling it my amulet."

"Amulet?" She looks at me, her brows furrowed in confusion.

"Well," I shrug, "I never really believed in that stuff. But I thought as long as I had this," I gesture at the bobbing head, "Liam would be alright."