Liam wraps his arm around me, his voice soft in my ear.

"I'm glad I met you, Kate."

We share a few more kisses, languid and unhurried before exhaustion overtakes us. As the rhythm of the rain lulls us to sleep, we fall into a peaceful slumber, our bodies entwined in the backseat of my car, the outside world forgotten for the night.

Chapter 10 - Liam

I wake up with a start at the abrupt knocking on the car window. Kate, her body entwined with mine, grips my arm, looking at me, her docile brown eyes reflecting a sliver of fear.

Outside, the faint pre-dawn light paints everything in hushed shades of blue, obscuring the identity of our uninvited guest.

Then, the knocking stops abruptly, and a stark, cold light flashes through the window. Kate hastily pulls my jacket around her, obscuring her from sight.

In an instant, my senses kick into overdrive. Years of military training, lying dormant, leap into the present as if I've never left the service. I lock my gaze with Kate's, attempting to reassure her with my eyes.

"Take a deep breath, Kate," I tell her, my voice steady. "I'll go handle this."

"But," she protests, fingers digging into my forearm. "What if it's dangerous?"

I offer her a soft smile. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feeling a surge of adrenaline, a hint of that same danger. But right now, she doesn't need to know that.

"It's probably just some kids looking for trouble," I reassure her. "I'll be fine."

I feel a strong compulsion to protect her, stronger than anything I've felt in a long time.

I swing the car door open, quickly pulling it shut behind me to prevent anyone from seeing inside. Before my feet fully hit the pavement, I'm calling out, fists raised.

"Who's there?" My heart races, a familiar echo of battles long past.

I haven't had to fight in a while, but I would take on the world for Kate.

The voice that answers is deep and authoritative but tempered with a calm I hadn't expected.

"Easy there," it says.

I squint through the darkness as a figure emerges from the other side of the car, clad in the unmistakable uniform of a police officer. He lowers his flashlight, introducing himself as Damien.

"Just checking up on a suspicious vehicle," he explains, his gaze stern.

Feeling my cheeks warm with embarrassment, I maintain my composure. "I fell asleep," I confess, meeting his gaze.

He asks if I'm alone, to which I reply honestly,” No, I'm not alone."

Damien seems to appreciate my candor. With a huff, he tells me he'll overlook this if we move on swiftly.

"You got to be more careful, though. A lone car in an empty parking lot doesn't look good, especially in a town this small."

"I understand," I reply. "We'll leave right away."

Back inside the car, I relay everything to Kate, assuring her that it was just a cop ensuring we were safe. She exhales, the tension visibly leaving her body before she wraps her arms around me. Her lips find my cheek in a soft kiss, her words a whispered promise.

"You're my protector."

My arms instinctively tighten around her, holding her close.

"Always, Kate," I promise, my voice low but resolute. "Always."

Kate and I remain in our quiet embrace for a few more moments until she breaks the silence.