We sit down to eat, and I take my first bite.

"Okay, you win. These are amazing."

He smiles broadly, looking pleased.

"I told you, didn't I?"

The smile fades a little as he reaches across the table, taking my hand.

"Lauren, I know things are complicated, but I want to make this work. With you."

I squeeze his hand in return.

"I want that too, Dennis. I really do."

Dennis pulls me toward him, his fingers lightly brushing against my skin, electrifying even the most mundane touch.

"Everything will be alright, Lauren," he whispers against my lips, "as long as we stick together."

I smile up at him.

"I'm all for sticking together. But you should know, I'm totally going to spill all the juicy details to my friend Sarah. Is that cool with you?"

Dennis laughs, a rich, warm sound that fills the room.

"Of course. In fact, I'll probably be bragging to my friends too. After all, I must maintain my reputation as a highly desirable bachelor."

"Why not kill two birds with one stone?" I suggest. "We could have a dinner, introduce our friends to each other. What do you think?"

Dennis raises an eyebrow, seemingly intrigued.

"Dinner with friends, you say?"

I nod, suddenly anxious, "If you think it's too soon, we don't have to—"

"Lauren," he interrupts, "I've already met your ex. Meeting your friends sounds like a piece of cake in comparison. Besides, I want to be a part of your life and know everything about you."

His words warm me from the inside out, and before I know it, our lips meet in another lingering kiss. The moment is broken by the abrupt ringing of Dennis' phone.

He picks it up, his expression turning serious as he hums and nods, listening intently.

As soon as he hangs up, curiosity gets the better of me.

"What was that about?"

Dennis grins, and I can see he's bursting to share some news.

"Well, you're not going to believe this. After Tom got hit with the restraining order, he went out, got into a fight, and got himself arrested."

"Really?" My voice lifts hopefully.

"Yeah," Dennis continues, "at the rate he's going, it wouldn't surprise me if he ends up locked away for good."

A weight lifts off my shoulders, and I can't help but smile.

"I should get going," Dennis says, glancing at the clock. "But you know, amidst all of this excitement, I never actually found out what you do for a living."

I laugh.