"Well, it's good to have something other than legal matters in common, right?"

I chuckle, appreciating how he can shift the atmosphere so effortlessly from serious to light. It's a rare quality, that genuine kindness.

"It definitely is."

He leans forward, his elbows on the desk.

"Alright, let's talk next steps. I'll file these documents first thing tomorrow morning. Then, it's a matter of waiting for a court date. Once in court, you'll have to testify, but don't worry, I'll be right there with you. The judge will likely grant an interim restraining order until a full hearing can be set. Does that sound okay to you?"

The way he explains it doesn't just make it sound okay; it makes it sound hopeful. And hope is a precious commodity these days.

"Yes, that sounds more than okay. It sounds like a plan."

"Good," Dennis says, standing up as I do the same. "I'll be in touch soon to let you know how we're progressing. You're not alone in this."

I look into his eyes and see not just a lawyer but a man who exudes kindness and sincerity. I feel a strange tug, a connection that shouldn't be there, but I quickly brush it off.

He's my lawyer, not a potential love interest.

"Thank you, Dennis. Truly."

He walks me to the door, his presence a warm reassurance under his office's cool, dimming light.

"Take care."

"I will," I reply, stepping out into the corridor and onto the street, feeling a swirl of emotions I didn't anticipate.

As I walk away, the sun long set and the horizon darkening, I can't shake the feeling of hope mingled with conflict.

After all, even if it’s temporary, Dennis Harper has given me a safe place– one built on legal papers and promises of a better tomorrow.

I take a deep breath, allowing myself to bask in that newfound hope while tucking away the impractical thought that this man could be more than just my lawyer.

For now, he's my path to freedom, and that's more than enough.

Chapter 2 - Dennis

I watch as Lauren leaves my office, her head held high despite the weight of the situation. I can't help but feel a jolt of admiration for her. She's caught between a dangerous past and an uncertain future, yet she carries both vulnerability and strength in her eyes.

I sit back down at my desk, shuffling through the paperwork related to her case. Her request for a restraining order against Tom isn't just professional for me; it's personal now in a way that I can't quite define.

My eyes drift to the chair she was sitting in just moments ago. It's silly, but she's left an impression there—both literally and figuratively.

I find myself distracted, thinking not just about the details of her case but also about the curve of her lips, the sincerity in her eyes, and the way her dress hugged her form in all the right places.

I shake my head to clear these thoughts. There's a line between the professional and personal, and I've always been good at not crossing it. But Lauren has me teetering dangerously close to the edge.

My thoughts are abruptly shattered by the sound of raised voices outside. One of them is unmistakably Lauren's. My heart jumps into my throat, and I rush out of my office without a second thought, navigating the hallway in long, urgent strides.

As I push through the exit, the situation unfolds before me.

Lauren is standing near her car, her back against the vehicle. Tom, her ex, is there, leaning toward her, gripping her wrist, his voice full of venom and his face red with rage.

"You can't hide from me, Lauren!" Tom shouts.

"Stay away from me, Tom!" Lauren yells back, her eyes brimming with defiance yet tinged with fear.

Something snaps within me. This is the dangerous past she's trying to escape, the very man she needs protection from—and it's unfolding right here, right now, in front of my eyes.