I glance down and grimace playfully.

"I know, I know. We should have made use of the tent for this." I get up, dusting off the dirt that clings to my bare backside.

Chloe laughs, her voice dancing around us.

"I quite prefer the view of you, butt-ass naked."

"Well, all you had to do was ask." I tease, unable to hold back the laughter.

Chloe smirks, "Maybe I should have started with that."

Smiling, I motion toward the remnants of our chocolate snacks.

"Let’s finish these and get to the tent. It’s getting a bit chilly."

Chloe nods, and we quickly eat everything. She grabs my jacket again, wrapping it around her as she heads towards the tent.

As she moves away, I can’t help but call out, "Aren't you forgetting something?"

Chloe pauses and looks over her shoulder, her eyes dropping to the discarded panties on the blanket.

She laughs, a warm, rich sound, "I prefer to sleep without them."

The wink she gives me sends a jolt through my body, leaving me grinning like an idiot in the cool night air. This night, this woman, it's all too good to be true. And I find myself praying for more nights just like this.

I quickly pull on my briefs, douse the bonfire, and join Chloe in the tent. We nestle together, our bodies close in the cramped quarters. The outside’s hum and the warmth radiating between us make the tent feel cozy, almost intimate.

"Human heat does wonders, huh?" Chloe murmurs, her voice full of amusement.

I glance down at our entangled bodies.

"I honestly thought the tent was a bit bigger on the inside, but I can't say I have any complaints."

Chloe grins at me before resting her head on my chest, her eyes closing in contentment.

She mumbles sleepily, "I'd love to keep talking, but now that I'm lying down, I can barely keep my eyes open."

Feigning innocence, I reply, "Wonder why?".

She elbows me playfully in response, forcing me to hold back a laugh.

I bend down to capture her lips in a lingering kiss, then pull back and ask, "Can I shut up like this?"

Her eyes widen, and she softly breathes, "Anytime you want."

I can't help the wide grin that spreads across my face as I wish her goodnight.

"Goodnight, Aaron," she murmurs, her eyes closing again, her head still resting on my chest.

I interlace my fingers behind my head, pondering the extraordinary turn of events. I still can't shake the feeling that I might wake up in my bed, alone, the memory of tonight fading like a dream.

But the woman beside me, her soft breath tickling my skin, her heartbeat syncing with mine, it's too real. It can't be a dream. I close my eyes, the rhythmic beat of her heart lulling me into a peaceful sleep.

The Next Day

When I wake up, the morning sun is already peeking through the tent, casting an ethereal glow on Chloe's sleeping face. The time on my phone reads 9:37 a.m. Still no service. I stifle a yawn, stretching carefully so as not to wake her.

As I slip out of the tent, I steal one last look at her. She's breathtakingly beautiful, peaceful in her slumber. Even though last night still feels dreamlike, the sight of her here, with me, grounds me in reality.