"A secret bar? In Willow Creek?" It seems the small town I grew up in isn't as familiar as I thought. "Has anything else changed that I should know about?"

"Well," she starts, her eyes gleaming in the firelight, "we now have a flower show in town. Might be good to know if you ever want to offer flowers to someone."

My smile falters a bit. The words are there, on the tip of my tongue. I want to give flowers to you, Chloe. But the words never come out. Is she playing coy? Or does she genuinely not realize my feelings for her?

The silence stretches between us, as thick and palpable as the tension in the air. My mind clicks back into gear, remembering the reason we were in the truck to begin with.

"Won't your friends find it odd that we never arrived at the reunion? You think they might come looking for you?"

Chloe's laughter rings out in the night, and I can't help but feel a small surge of happiness at the sound. The tension in the air seems to dissipate, and I'm left wondering what sparked her sudden mirth.

"You really don't know Naomi, do you?" she asks, the corners of her mouth still curled upwards.

Her eyes are sparkling in the firelight, a mischievous glint I've never seen before. I can't help but be drawn in, wanting to know more, to understand the source of her joy.

Chapter 7 - Chloe

I can't help but let out a hearty laugh. Aaron is looking at me with a perplexed expression as I explain Naomi's party-loving ways.

"She probably told everyone that we followed her advice and are off having fun," I say, my smile falling slightly at the last word.

"Fun?" Aaron asks, a single eyebrow lifted in confusion or maybe surprise.

My cheeks flush with heat at the word.

"You know...the type of fun you wouldn't do in front of other people," I clarify, ducking my head slightly, suddenly self-conscious under his heavy gaze.

"Ah," he says, his tone teasing. "Some people do like being watched, you know?"

I shove at him playfully, huffing out a breath. He pulls me closer in retaliation until our faces are a mere inch apart. I can feel his warm breath ghosting over my lips, his eyes reflecting the flickering flames of our bonfire.

His lips look enticing in the firelight, shining, full, and so close that I find my gaze stuck there. A chuckle bubbles up in my chest at the ridiculousness of the situation.

I can't believe I'm about to prove Naomi right. But it's all too much. The tension, the electricity between us, the seclusion of our current predicament – it's straight out of a romance movie.

And I can't resist anymore.

I close my eyes, lean forward, and our lips meet halfway in a slow, burning kiss. Aaron’s mouth is warm, firm against mine, and the kiss stretches on for what feels like an eternity. I only break away when I feel his fingers gently brush my cheeks.

"Is...is this okay?" I whisper, suddenly uncertain.

"We can stop, Chloe," he says immediately, but then adds, "But I don't want to. I want to kiss you, comfort you and hold you close."

My heart stutters at his words, words I've wanted to hear from him but never thought I would. But then, a pang of worry seizes me.

"What about Liam?" I ask, pulling back a little. "What will he say when he finds out?"

Aaron's warm gaze cools slightly, his expression growing serious. He pulls back further, and I want to reach out and drag him back, but I stay still.

"Chloe," he says, his voice suddenly heavy with seriousness. "Can I be honest with you?"

I blink, surprised.

"Of course, Aaron," I answer, my heart thumping painfully in my chest.

I brace myself for whatever he needs to say and hope it won't shatter the beautiful moment we've just shared.

"Chloe," he starts slowly, stuttering just a little. "I... I've always had a thing for you. Since we met. Eleven or twelve years ago."