"Thank you," I whisper, my heart a bit lighter than before.

With my daughter's blessing, perhaps I dare to try again. For both of us. For our little family. For Sophie.

We finally arrive, and I watch Lucy stride confidently towards the school's entrance, her back straight and a determination in her steps that resonates with a newfound freedom.

Her insistence that I depart quickly so she could appear self-sufficient brings a chuckle to my lips.

"Alright, Lucy, you've got this," I concede, fighting the urge to envelop her in a final fatherly hug.

She stops and shoots me an exaggerated eye roll before grinning at me.

"I know, Dad. I'll give you all the kisses you want later, okay? Just... not here. Not in front of everyone."

I can't help but smile at her fake adult demeanor.

"You're really growing up," I tell her, my voice choked with affection. "But remember, no matter how old you get, I'm always going to love you and make sure you're happy."

The bright smile on her face as she says, "I love you too," warms me as I watch her walk away, disappearing into the sea of students.

I am proud of her, and I’m now sure our decision to move to Willow Creek was the best we've ever made. I feel a peacefulness I haven't felt in a long time, and I know it's because Lucy is happier – for a new life, for not having to go to sleep not knowing if I’m coming back.

As Lucy's silhouette fades away, my mind shifts to another person, Sophie. I'm tired of hiding, holding back, and denying the feelings that bubble up inside me whenever I think of her.

It is more than an attraction, more than a fleeting infatuation. What I felt, and still feel, is love; passionate, raw, and incredibly profound.

The memory of her in my arms, her curves pressed against me, her warmth spreading into me, leaves me breathless. I yearn to hold her again, to reveal to her the love that's been burning within me.

Without thinking twice, I make a beeline to my home, my mind and heart in sync for the first time in a long while. It's my day off, a day meant for rest, but there's no time for that now.

I need to see Sophie, to confess to her without any 'buts' attached.

As I collapse onto the couch, gasping for air, I pull my phone from my pocket. My heart pounds against my ribs, an echoing drumroll that preludes the critical moment to come.

She might have moved on, a thought that twists my gut, but I cling to the hope that our connection was as significant to her as it was to me.

Fumbling with my phone, I find her number and pause, wondering what to say. What can I say that would convey the whirlwind of emotions inside me? What words could capture the depth of my feelings?

Time stands still as I linger over the call button, my decision already made. It's time to find out if love at first sight has the power to change lives. Mine, Sophie's, and Lucy's.

My thumb hovers over her contact, a hesitancy in my movements reflecting my heart's unease. I finally press down, and the phone buzzes against my ear. The ringing is almost deafening in the silence of the living room, and I hold my breath, waiting to hear her voice.

Seconds slip into eternity. I'm gripped by fear that she'll ignore the call, that she's moved on. I shudder at the thought that she might have even blocked me. But I know I must try. I can't let her go, not again.

The ringing continues, and my heart sinks.

As I'm about to put the phone away, a voice answers from the other end. It's Sophie, but she sounds cold, distant.

"D-Damien? What do you want? We've said all there is to say."

My throat is dry, my mind a blur. Panicking, I lie.

"Sophie, I really need someone to take care of Lucy. She didn't get along with the new nanny. Can you come, just for today? I'll figure out something else after today. I’ll even pay you double."

Her silence feels heavy, almost oppressive. After what seems like an eternity, she responds with a curt 'no.' Her rejection stings, but I can't give up, not yet.

"Lucy's asking for you," I persist, desperation leaking into my voice. "She misses you, and I don't know what to tell her."

I hear her sigh, and my heart skips a beat.