Page 9 of Dangerously Safe

Did he tell Finn and Mac?

God, they’ve killed people. I know it. What are they going to do to me?

I sit on the edge of the third stool along the island, ready to jump up at a moment’s notice, but I’m not going anywhere until they make me. I have questions, and they have answers. Finn speaks first, “Good morning Harper. How are you this?”

“Umm, I’m alright. Thank you.” I can see Mac smiling on the other side of Finn.

A low chuckle sounds from the other side of the kitchen. The three of us look at Ronan.

“What?” Asks Mac.

“Oh, nothing, just thought of something funny.”

God, he’s a dick. I’m assuming that means he hasn’t said a word.

Now that I’m looking at him, I can confirm he looks just as delectable as the two men next to me. His curly black hair matches his perfectly tailored dress pants, and his white dress shirt is open at the top and has sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He has to be the sexiest mafia boss I’ve ever seen.

Okay, he’s the only one, but that’s beside the point.

One of them must have run out and got doughnuts while I was in the shower because two dozen of them sit in boxes in front of me, and Ronan is holding a chocolate-glazed one in his hands. I can see the delicious-looking chocolate coating the tips of his fingers. The same fingers I saw wrapped around his cock.

I wish I could walk over there and lick that chocolate right off.

What is happening to me? I adjust myself in my chair as Finn abruptly states, “So, what are your questions? We know you must have some.”

“Yes, umm…” I begin fidgeting with the hem of my shirt, “how long do I have to stay here?”

“Until we say you can leave,” Ronan looks at me deadpan.

Wow, so helpful. Not. “Okay, well, what about the bookstore? I have to go to work.” He continues to stare at me, but now it’s more of a “Are you stupid?” look. “I know the actual store must not be important to you, but it is to me. Plus, don’t you need your precious bank?” I snap with an attitude.

Ronan pushes himself off the counter across the kitchen and stalks towards me. He stops at the end of the island next to me and grips the edge of it so tight his knuckles turn white.

Here it goes; he’s about to chew my ass for this morning. Now I’ve gone and given him an attitude. Nice knowing you, world. I’ll miss you when I’m gone.

Instead, he simply says, “We don’t need you at the bank. We all have keys, remember? We can come and go whenever we please. You’ve never seen us there before, have you?”

I don’t say anything because I know he’s right. I’ve never seen a single one of them come or go. So instead, I just sit there and look at him. “Exactly.” He stands up straight and looks at Liam and Mac.

“I don’t have time for this shit. I have other things to take care of. You two can explain this to her. Make sure she doesn’t leave the apartment.” With that, he walks to the other side of the apartment and into what I assume is his office.

Mac continues to sit there and smirk at me. Okay, now I’m starting to get annoyed. Someone better explain the plan to me. Right. Now. I feel my cheeks flush. “He didn’t answer my question. What am I supposed to do about the bookstore? It’s an actual business; I’m the owner and only employee. It’s my parent’s legacy, and I’m not losing it too. No matter how fake it was.” Tears begin forming in my eyes again. Damn it, Harper. Don’t cry. You’re supposed to be annoyed.

Mac’s smile fades as he looks at me. “Princess,” Finn looks at him inquisitively but doesn’t say anything. I’m sure he’s wondering why Mac just called me that. “It isn’t safe for you at the store. If Declan figured out you exist, it won’t take long for him to figure out you still work at the bookstore. There’s no security there. Anyone can walk in.” I know he’s right. “You’re parents and Cece spent years building that store and making sure the secrets hidden in the back room stayed secrets. We can’t jeopardize it”

And there it is. They care more about their money than they do me. Then again, why wouldn’t they? They don’t even know me.

Nobody knows me. I’m entirely alone. I better get used to it.

Finn looks at me empathetically and stands, “For now, it will have to stay closed. We will have men looking after the store 24/7. Nobody will mess with it. As far as money is concerned, we will take care of all of the bills and make up for the difference in revenue and you will not have to spend a dime while you are here.”

“How long will that be exactly?” I say with a shaky breath, feeling defeated that the place I care about most is being ripped out from under me.

“We hope not long. But we have to figure out what Whelan’s plan is. Until then, stay put.” His tone instantly goes sharp. “I will be out most of the day, but Mac will return in a few hours.”

“Then I’m all yours,” Mac looks at me with a sly smirk on his face.

They gather their things and shoot me one last look before entering the elevator. Before the door slides closed, Mac speaks, “Ronan is in his office if you need anything. Behave, Princess.”