Page 30 of Dangerously Safe

“Not that I’ve heard. But he hasn’t talked to me much this week. I’m sure it has something to do with the fact that I’ve had my face buried between Harper’s legs.” Mac’s head falls back as he lets out a laugh.

“You’re such an asshole.”

“Yeah, I know, but he deserves it. Come on,” he spins me around to walk out of his room, “Let’s go talk to the boss man.”

“Alright. I just gotta have a dress for Harper brought up.”

“Fuck yes. Make sure it shows off her ass. That might just be my favorite thing on earth.”

Now it’s me who lets out a laugh, “You don’t gotta tell me twice.”



“Nope. No. No, fucking way.” Finn and Mac are standing in front of me, giving me their stupid puppy dog eyes, and I’m not having it. I don’t care if I’m always the bad guy. Enough is going on between our shit being stolen, figuring out what’s going on with my dad, and having to walk around with a constant fucking hard-on because of the woman down the hall. Now, these two morons want to take her to our nightclub, knowing that there is someone out there who is quite literally trying to kill her.

I know the three of them have been sleeping together. It’s why I’ve been avoiding them. And honestly, I don’t care… much. I can see the effect she has on the two of them.

Over the last week, I’ve seen the rigid edges of Finn’s body relax. He’s always so worried about pleasing everyone and making sure everything is perfect all the time; it’s nice to see him let go and relax. And Mac, all he wants is somebody to care for. All he’s ever wanted is to have a woman he can worship and dote on. He’s never allowed himself that. He knows what being part of this life means, and he would never want to put someone he cares for through that shit. But I can see that being with Harper fills a hole inside him.

I’m not jealous of the relationship the three of them are forming. Hell, I don’t even care that she’s sleeping with both of them. More than anything, I think I just want what they have. I see how happy she makes them and how happy they make her. If I could give her that, too, I would.

But I can’t.

I have too much responsibility. As the leader of our empire, the amount of shit I have to do in a single day makes my fucking head spin. And Harper, she’s the definition of distraction. If I let myself cross the line that Mac and Finn have, she’ll make me soft. She will be a weakness that our enemies can use against me.

I cannot have a weakness.

My brother cocks his head, and I just know he’s getting ready to irritate the shit out of me. As if this conversation hasn’t already accomplished that task. “Ronan, it’s not that big of a fucking deal. I won’t be parading her around the streets of New York. She will be in with Finn and me, and at least a half dozen of our men are securing that building every night.”

“We will make sure each of them knows exactly what she looks like. There’s no way she would get out of there without them noticing,” Finn adds. I can tell he’s uncomfortable with this conversation. Very rarely does he do anything without my say-so. I know he’s doing this only to make Harper happy.

Mac slumps down in one of the chairs, “Come on, man. She hasn’t left this penthouse in a fucking week. We practically stole her life out from underneath her. She doesn’t go to her apartment, she hasn’t been back to the bookstore, and she doesn’t see any of her friends. Shit, we don’t know if she even has any. She deserves a few hours of fun.”

I lean back in my chair, trying to get my temper under control, as I notice Finn taking a seat next to my brother. “You don’t think I fucking know that. But we still have no idea who Declan is sending after her or what his plan is. And I definitely have no idea what Dad is up to yet. It’s driving me fucking crazy.” I can feel my nails digging into the arms of my leather desk chair. “I’m also not sure I trust her enough not to run away.”

“We will keep an eye on her the whole time,” answers Finn.

I love my best friend. As far as I’m concerned, he’s just as much my brother as Mac. Which means, I know when he’s distracted, and right now, with Harper, he’s distracted. “It’s not your eyes I’m worried about. You two need to think with your fucking heads. And I’m talking about the head between your damn ears, not the ones in your pants.”

“You’re one to talk,” Mac huffs, “You’ve been moping around this damn place all week. And it sure as shit isn’t over our shipment issues. Stuff like that has happened before. It’s never affected you this much.” He’s not wrong. “Which means you have your panties in a fucking wad over that woman down the hall.”

He’s lucky he’s my fucking brother or I would have already punched him across the face.

“So why don’t you use your head and get it out of your ass. Just admit you want her. You know it. She knows it. Hell, even Finn and I know it. Yet, you’re the only one that cares.”

I don’t even bother denying it. These two know me better than anyone. It’s useless lying to them. “It doesn’t matter. I’m not good for her. Plus, she has you two. She doesn’t need me. And as soon as we figure out what Declan’s plan is, she can return to the life she was living before.”

Mac leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, “For someone as smart as you are, you’re so damn dense sometimes. She may not need you, she may not need any of us when this is over, but she wants you, Ronan.”

I look at Finn, “He’s right, man, she does.”

“Why don’t you come with us tonight? You’ll be able to keep an eye on her, and know she’s safe. Plus, Finn got her the sexiest fucking dress you’ve ever seen.”

It doesn’t even pay to waste my breath anymore. I know the two of them will protect her, and Kings is one of the safest clubs in the city. Security won’t let anything happen to her. If they do, I’ll put a bullet in their fucking brains.

But I can’t go. I can’t put myself in that position.