Page 28 of Dangerously Safe

“Yeah, you know… spicy,” she says as she curls up her nose and smirks.

“Oh, so you’re reading porn?” I’m leaning over her now, hands resting against the back of the chaise on either side of her head.

“It’s not porn!”

“Well, let me see it then.”

“Yeah, not happening.”

I drop my head so my forehead almost touches hers, “And why not?”

“Because I don’t need you getting any ideas. You and Mac are plenty dirty already.”

“Ha, I knew it… It’s porn.”

“Oh, shut up,” she grins, shoving her book between the cushion.

“But trust me when I say this, Angel. You haven’t even seen dirty yet.” I move my mouth so she can feel my lips against her ear as I whisper, “The things we could do to you don’t even compare to what you read in those books of yours.”

She swallows hard, and I curl my lips to hide my grin.“I guess I’ll just have to find out for myself then, won’t I?”

I bite at her earlobe, grab her by the hips, and hoist her into the air.

“And where do you think you’re taking me?”

“I’m about to show you how dirty I can be?” She giggles as I throw her onto the bed and climb over her. I love how I feel when I’m with her. I’ve walked through my entire life feeling like a dark cloud follows me everywhere I go. But when I’m around her, it feels as if it’s lifted. She makes me feel like I can be free to be whoever I want to be, and I want to show her who that is. I just have to find the right time.

I’m not sure what comes over me, but I suddenly feel the need to ask, “Is that what you want?”

“Is what?”

“A happily ever after…”

A moment of contemplation crosses her face before she answers, “Yeah, I think so.” She searches my face for a reaction, but I remain still, hovering above her, “I’ve read about them my entire life. I used the stories of other people’s happily ever after’s to escape from my own sad and boring life.”

A feeling of guilt settles in my stomach. Not because I wouldn’t want to be the person who wants to give it to her, but because I’m not sure I can. That we can.

Over the past week, Mac and I have spent virtually every minute possible with Harper. The three of us haven’t been together since that morning in the kitchen, but she seems to be more than okay with splitting her time between the two of us. I’m sure multiple orgasms a day help. And what’s more, I don’t mind sharing her with Mac. Actually, I really fucking like it.

I just wish Ronan would pull his head out of his ass and admit he wants her too. We can all tell he’s been avoiding us the past week. He’s never home, and when he is, he hides out in his office or bedroom, acting as pissed off as ever. I know he has a lot going on, being the head of the McDermott syndicate and all, but Harper is exactly what he needs. I try to stay out of it, though. This is something he needs to figure out on his own. If anyone pushes him, he’ll push back tenfold.

“I want that for you.”

“I want that for you too, Finn.”

“I’m not entirely sure that’s in the cards for someone like me, Angel.”

Her hands slide up to cup the sides of my face, “It is. When you’re ready for it.”

When I’m ready for it, hell, I will never be ready for it, let alone be ready for it with Harper.

I know I will eventually have to tell her how our families are connected, but I can’t bring myself to do it yet. She may be related to the Declan by blood, but that doesn’t make her one. She is Harper Hayes, an angel that walks this earth, and as soon as I tell her the truth, the guilt will consume her. She won’t look at me the same, and I don’t know if I can handle that fucking look.

Ronan and Mac won’t say anything. They know it’s my story to tell, but I can’t keep it a secret forever.

“Hey,” she whispers, pulling me out of my thoughts, “Where’d you go just now?”

“Nowhere. I was just thinking about something.”