Page 23 of Dangerously Safe

“Drugs… mostly.” I don’t know why I’m the least bit surprised, yet, I am. Maybe because I’ve never gotten so much as a parking ticket, and here I am, shacking up with criminals. “Ronan freaked the fuck out and nearly beat one of the dock workers to death trying to find out who it was.”

“Well, did you?”

“No. Hence the many drinks I’ve had.” Finn seems to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, and I can tell he hates disappointing people. Or maybe he just hates disappointing the McDermotts. “We just need to figure out how they knew when and where… and soon. Otherwise, Liam might actually kill Ronan.”

My eyes widen over his last sentence. Finn swallows down the last of his whiskey, “Relax, Harper. I’m kidding… mostly.” Setting down his glass on the bar, he walks over to me until he’s standing so close I can feel his breath on my face. “But if I were you, I’d stay clear of Ronan today.”

“No worries there. He doesn’t want me anywhere near him anyway.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure about that, Angel.”

He can’t be serious. Ronan hates me. Not wanting to discuss Ronan when I’m in such a good mood, I decide now is as good a time as any to ask Finn about something that’s been nagging at me. “How do you know them? The McDermott’s, that is. You obviously aren’t related to Ronan and Mac. You look nothing like them.”

He scratches at his bear, looking like I just made him wildly uncomfortable, “How do you know I’m not adopted?”

“You don’t call Emma and Liam ‘Mom and Dad,’ and you walk around here like you’re not sure you belong. Like you’re afraid even to touch anything.”

“Well, aren’t you observant?”

“That’s not an answer to my question.”

He lets out a heavy sigh, “My last name is Donovan. Liam and Emma took me in when I was eight after my parents died. They’re the closest thing to family I have left.”

And there it is. His constant desire to do what everyone asks of him. To not let anyone down. He’s afraid that if he messes up, he’ll be cast aside.

I don’t ask how he lost them. If he wanted me to know, he’d tell me. Instead, I say the only thing I think might ease his pain at this moment because I know what it’s like to lose both of your parents. It’s a hole that can never be filled. No matter how many years go by or how many new memories you make. “I see them in you,” I say softly. His eyes immediately dart to the picture on the fridge.

I can tell he doesn’t want to discuss this anymore, so I don’t push further. Instead, I wrap my arms around him, comforting him. If only for a moment.

When I move to let go of him, he only holds me tighter and buries his face in my neck. The longer we stay in each other’s arms, the more rapid Finn’s breath becomes. This hug is quickly turning into something else entirely.

His hands move from the small of my back to the backs of my thighs, and I’m suddenly being lifted off the ground and onto the counter behind me. I place my palm in the center of his chest as he steps between my legs, not completely sure what is happening. “Finn, we shouldn’t.” Mac is still lying in my bed.

“Why? Because you fucked Mac.” The crudeness of his tone takes me by surprise. “You think we haven’t shared women before?”


Finn slides one hand up the back of my head so he’s gripping a handful of my hair. “Oh, Angel. The things we could show you.”

I can’t deny that I crave all three of them. The way heat builds inside of me at the mere sight of them is something I can’t deny. But never did I ever think about having more than one of them.

That they could all be mine.

Without warning, I can only think about being with him. I don’t care that Mac was inside me just a few hours ago. Something about his wanton behavior at this moment is drawing me in. He’s uncontrolled. Dangerous. Free.

It’s an entirely different side of him. One I want to know. Intimately.

Well, if I’m going to be stuck here and torn away from my life, I might as well make it worth it.

Go all in, Harp.

“So, show me.”

His honey-colored eyes are instantly clouded in darkness. Like I just flipped a switch inside of him, and the quiet and collected man everyone knows is gone.

Finn’s grip on my hair tightens as I zero in on his gaze. A smug grin creeps over his lips as he releases my hair and moves his hand to the center of my chest. “Lie back. Now.”

A command. No asking for permission. No, “please.” The feeling in the air is the exact opposite of my night with Mac, and at this moment, with Finn, it’s exactly what I want, what I crave.