Page 10 of Dangerously Safe

Behave, Princess.

How those words rolled off those lips makes a shiver run up my spine.



I hear Mac mutter, “Behave, Princess,” through my office door before the elevator closes. Great, now I’m stuck with her until one of them comes back.

I know I’ve said it twenty times already, but I really don’t have time for this shit. I need to prepare for a delivery at the docks tonight. The last thing I need is to lose focus. We’ve had some low-lives trying to move in on us. Somehow they keep getting their hands on our delivery information, and I can’t seem to find the leak. When I do, though, I won’t hesitate to make them wish they were never fucking born.

On top of that, I can’t stop thinking about this morning in the shower. I didn’t tell Mac or Finn what happened. For some reason, I wanted to keep that to myself.

I knew I should have stopped when I saw her staring at me through the glass. I should have climbed out of the shower and put her in her place. But as soon as I saw those forest green eyes staring into mine, I couldn’t help myself.

She was the reason I was jerking off in the shower anyway.

But those curves. I can just imagine what she would look like spread out on my desk. The way my fingers would bruise her hips as I slammed into her. The way those thighs would feel squeezing my face.

Fucking, fuck. Fuck.

I don’t have the patience for her. She’s beyond naive and belongs nowhere near this world. And I certainly don’t have the patience for needing to jerk off over my new roommate like a horny fucking teenager.

There must have been a ringing in her ear because the next thing I know, I hear a knock at the door. I quickly pull the chair closer to my desk so she can’t see my impossibly hard dick pushing against my zipper.

“What?” I snap.

She pushes the door open just a crack, “Can I come in for a minute.”

“What do you need, Harper? Mac will be back soon, and I don’t have time to keep explaining things to you.” God, I’m such an asshole.

“If I’m such a burden, why did you even bring me here?” She asks as she pushes the door open all the way and stalks towards my desk. She isn’t sitting, just standing in front of me, hands on her thick hips, trying to intimidate me.

Good luck, Baby. Bigger men than you have tried and failed.

I grind my molars before I speak, “Because my parents asked me to.”

She parts her lips ever so slightly and takes a deep breath. My eyes lower, and I watch her chest move up and down with her breath. I feel my dick twitch in my pants. I lean forward and rest my forearms against my desk, “Is there something else you wanted to talk about, Harper?”

“I… I’m… I’m sorry about this morning. I didn’t mean to. I just heard a noise and wanted to make sure nobody was getting hurt.”

“I was most definitely not getting hurt,” I reply with a smug-ass smile.

Her cheeks and chest immediately flush. “Obviously not. But I shouldn’t have stood there. So, I apologize.”

“Why did you? Stand there, that is. Did you like what you saw?” Because I sure as shit did.

She doesn’t answer. She just stares at me with those big green eyes. See, naïve. She can’t even handle this conversation. After a minute, I sigh and lean back in my chair, annoyed. “If that’s all, Harper, I have work to do.”

She spins around and walks toward the office door. I turn back towards my laptop and see her stop out of the corner of my eye. “Actually, I’m going to go back to my apartment before Mac gets back. I need to get clothes and some of my things if you three are going to continue to hold me hostage.” There’s that attitude again.

“The fuck you are. You will stay in this apartment unless one of us is with you, and I don’t have time to take you back there right now. Mac can go with you when he gets back.”

“I don’t need one of you to go with me. I’m just going back to my apartment. I’ll be in and out and back here to annoy you before you even notice I’m gone. I doubt Whelan even knows where I live. If he did, he would have come for me already.”

“Harper.” I snap as I stand up from my desk. She now has a front-row seat to my straining erection. Why won’t it go the hell away? “You will not leave this apartment. You will stay here for as long as I say. And you will do as you are told.” I round the desk and walk towards her as she cowers against the wall next to the door.

“Do not test my patience, Baby. You won’t like the consequences.”