Page 5 of Dangerously Safe

The largest one glares at me, “You’re not going anywhere.” I can feel his icy blue eyes peering into my soul. His accent is the same as the other two, just faint enough to notice it’s there, but it does nothing to calm my nerves. His voice is rough and harsh. I assume it’s from years of yelling at people like a dick.

“That’s Ronan. He’s an asshole,” says the one sitting in the opposite chair, resting his elbow on his knees and staring into his empty glass between his hands. He finally looks up and offers me a genuine smile. “I’m Cormac. Everyone calls me Mac, and that,” he smirks, pointing his thumb at the one next to me, “is Finn. We aren’t going to hurt you. Our job is to keep you safe, but we have a lot we need to cover. Okay?”

“Alright,” I whisper.

Mac looks at Ronan. “Was that so hard? Why don’t you try not being a dick.”

Ronan rolls his eyes before directing his attention back to me. “Have you heard of the McDermott’s?”


Have I heard of them? Duh. Everyone in the city knows who the McDermott’s are—the Irish mafia. Maybe if I play dumb, they’ll divulge more information than I already know. I shake my head.

He sits up proud as a peacock, “Well, you’re looking at the guy’s charge.”

Double shit.

“Our parents ‘retired,’” he says in air quotes, “three years ago, and we’ve been running things ever since.”

“What does that have to do with me?” I glance over at Finn sitting next to me, his suit jacket and tie are off, and he’s leaning back in his seat. I gaze down his arms, and his white shirt is now rolled up to his elbows. His forearms are covered in tattoos but stop just at his wrists, carefully placed to not show past his dress shirts.

I feel a rush of heat between my thighs. Is there anything hotter than a man with his sleeves rolled?

Focus Harp.

Ronan continues, “Your parents, Freya and Aidan,” I nod even though he clearly isn’t asking me a question. “Yeah, their real name isn’t Hayes.” My eyes go wide, and I can feel a bead of sweat drip down the back of my neck. “Your Dad’s last name is McGrath, and your Mom’s maiden name is Whelan.” As he says the name, Whelan, I notice Finn tense up next to me.

“What are you talking about?”

“Aidan worked for our family. He has worked for us for as long as we can remember. Dad considered him part of the family. He was a loyal member of the New York Syndicate. He met your mom, Freya, in Ireland. She’s a Whelan. Do you know what that means?”

I stare at him, trying to process all the information he’s giving me.

“The Whelan syndicate are our rivals. They’re run by an evil bastard. I mean, we aren’t angels, but that bastard takes it to another level.” Finn abruptly stands, walks to the other side of the room, and begins pacing.

“Ronan,” Mac snaps. “Move on.”

“Anyway, from what we know, it was your classic forbidden lover’s situation. Your mom fell in love with your dad. But, because your dad worked for my family, your grandfather, Declan, forbid it.” Am I in a movie? What is even happening? “Declan repeatedly threatened them both, and your mother had finally had enough. Declan said if she betrayed her family, he would kill her. Point blank. End of discussion.”

“Aidan confided in my dad, and they made a plan. Freya and Aidan moved to New York, changed their last name, and covered every track they could think of. Freya Whelan and Aidan McGrath ceased to exist. They bought the bookstore and had you.”

I’m having trouble breathing. I can feel the impending panic attack rapidly approaching. Mac must notice, “Harper, do you need something to drink?” Before I can even nod my head, he’s on his feet. “Stay right there, I’ll get it.” Once he returns from the kitchen, he takes Finn’s seat next to me, hands me a glass of water, and puts his hand on my knee.

The minute his fingers touch the skin through the hole in my jeans, I begin breathing heavily for a whole different reason. His gray eyes meet mine, and I force myself to look away. He is captivating.

I look back at Ronan, and he’s just sitting there like he hasn’t dropped a bomb on my life.

“There’s more,” he says with an annoying little smirk. Yeah, he’s not going to be my favorite.


“The bookstore isn’t just a bookstore. The back rooms have fake walls, and we store all our family’s cash there. We use a key to come and go after hours to deposit and withdraw cash. Your parents ran the bookstore as a front for our family. How do you think they afforded that swanky townhouse in Greenwich you grew up in?”

“And, before you ask, Cece knew all about it.” Tears begin to well in my eyes as I realize the three people I loved most in this world lied to me my whole life. My sanctuary, my safe place, my parent’s legacy to me… it’s all a lie.

“Harper,” Mac says with a sigh, “They were trying to keep you safe. The less you knew, the safer you were. If Declan Whelan finds you, he will kill you; he doesn’t tolerate betrayal. Your parent’s car accident wasn’t an accident. He found them somehow. He sent one of his men to the States. They cut the breaks on their car.”

The last ounce of restraint I had disappears, and tears stream down my cheeks. “He killed his daughter?”