Page 44 of Dangerously Safe

Being involved with someone in the mafia is no small task, let alone being involved with three someones. It’s dangerous, and you have a constant target on your back. I wouldn’t fault her for leaving the second this is over.


“If she didn’t, she would have told us already. She’s stronger than we give her credit for. I know that much for sure. Do you… want this?”

I know what he’s asking. Am I really okay with sharing her with the two of them long-term? I know the answer before I even have time to blink. “Yeah, man, I am. Harper deserves everything in this life. If the three of us can give that to her, then that’s what I want.”

Finn smiles, “I couldn’t agree more, brother.” He squeezes my shoulder and walks to his room, calling behind him, “I’m going to bed. This night was fucking exhausting, and I need to get some rest before our ass-chewing tomorrow. See you in the morning, man.” I can’t help but laugh.

I look at Ronan’s closed office door and notice I don’t hear any yelling. Hell, I don’t hear anything. I step towards the door and stop myself. The two of them need this time together. If I go in there, Ronan is just going to shut down. He needs to let her in.

I fish her panties from my pocket as I go to my room. After running the lace through my fingers I stuff them under my pillow.



Waves of disappointment, anger, and frustration roll inside of me. I have been sitting in this god-forsaken office for the last fifteen minutes in total silence. I thought, for sure, when Ronan saw us when he demanded that I follow him in here, that the two of us would finally have it out. But nope.

He just sat me down on the couch and has been working away on his computer ever since.

With each second that passes, I grow more and more irritable. Why the hell does he want me in here if he is just going to ignore me?

I had an amazing, no, incredible, night with Mac and Finn. After the little tussle on the dance floor, the three of us shared something incredible. We connected in a way I never would or could have imagined.

Finn continues to surprise me at every turn. His need to be in control turns me into a puddle every freaking time. He looks at me with those delicious brown eyes, full of fire and determination, and I know there’s so much more to him than meets the eye. I see how he walks around here, and interacts with everyone else, barely holding himself together, teetering that knife’s edge. Afraid of disappointing everyone around him. Sex seems to be when he feels like he can take back all of the control. He gets off on giving orders and having them followed. I will gladly follow him wherever he leads me.

And, Mac. Sweet, sweet, Mac. From the second I saw him, I knew he would take care of me. That there is a constant internal struggle happening behind the mask he wears. To others, he comes across as a moody, introspective asshole. But they don’t know that he is as fierce as they come. His willingness to put others first and care for them how they need to be cared for, no matter what it costs him, makes him one of the strongest men I have ever met. He really does treat me like a princess, and I fucking love it.

And that’s another thing. Why am I all of a sudden swearing like a goddamn sailor?

Ugh! See what I mean?!

A few weeks with these men and I have already turned into a sex-craved degenerate.

Dull Harper is no more.

And here I am, sitting in Ronan’s office, where I intended to engage in further debauchery, but now all he’s doing is managing to piss me the hell off as per usual.

Maybe he forgot I was here. He hardly pays any attention to me as it is. I clear my throat, hopefully reminding him that I am literally sitting right across from him.

He still doesn’t look up.

Okay, so maybe he’s deaf all of a sudden. With a little more force, I cough again.


You know what, I don’t need this. I have two men down the hall who would love to spend time with me. I’m not going to subject myself to his broodiness any further. Dramatically I slap my palms on the tops of my thighs and move to stand from the couch, “Well, this has been loads of fun, but I’m leaving.” I make my way toward his office door, once again leaving this room feeling defeated.

“Sit down,” he grits out behind me.

I don’t stop. Sit down. Who the hell does he think he is?!

My hand reaches for the knob of the door, “Harper! I said, sit. Down. Now.” His tone tells me I shouldn’t argue. Reluctantly, I sit back on the couch. I sit up straight and look him dead in the eye. I’m not going to let him think I’m afraid of him. Because I’m not.


No. I’m not.