Page 43 of Dangerously Safe

Finn chuckles next to me, “Dad’s mad, guys.”

I can’t see her face, but I know Harper is trying not to smile.

I know why he’s pissed. If I had to guess, he kept an eye on us through Kings’ security cameras and saw what happened on the dance floor. Then, the three of us got so sidetracked in the office none of us checked in with him the entire time we were gone. Which he explicitly told us to do. I also am fully aware of how the three of us look. My knuckles are covered in blood from punching that asshole in the face, Finn has blood on his shirt, and all of our clothes are disheveled from the fight and the mind-blowing sex afterward.

The icing on the cake is Harper. He might not have seen it, we don’t keep cameras in our offices, but I know he can tell what happened once we pulled her into that room. Everything about her gorgeous body screams, “I just got my brains fucked out.” She no longer has a styled bun on top of her head, and her unruly curls fall down her back. Her cheeks are still flushed, and her lipstick has all but disappeared. And those hickeys… God, just looking at those marks covering her creamy skin makes my cock stir in my pants.

Her panties are still in my pocket, and it’s taking everything in my power not to slip my hand underneath that dress and touch her pussy again. I’m like an addict who can’t get enough. I need another hit.

Shit. I can feel myself starting to get hard. I peel my eyes away from Harper and move them to Ronan’s red face. If he sees me get a boner right now, his fist will meet my face.

“You assholes think this is fucking funny?” he seethes.

None of us respond for a moment, so I take one for the team. I’m his brother, so he’s least likely to kill me. Right? “Well, you see…”

He holds a hand up, signaling that I shut the hell up. “No. I don’t want to fucking hear it. Not from you two. I’ll talk to you dickheads later.” He looks between me and Finn, then to Harper. “You,” he points at her, then throws his finger over his shoulder, “let’s go. Now.” He spins around and walks back into his office.

Harper’s whole body tenses, and I know she’s nervous. I share a look with Finn, sending him an unspoken message. I think our girl could use some encouragement.

Finn leans forward and whispers into her ear, “You got this, Angel.”

My lips meet her other ear, “You really wanna fuck with him?” She nods, “ He has a weak spot. I’ve seen it a hundred times.” I lower my lips just below her ear and brush them against her neck when I whisper, “It’s right,” kiss, “ here.” A shudder rolls through her body. I know she loves that shit too. “You do that, Princess, and he’ll be putty in your hands.”

I gently smack her on the ass urging her towards the door. She makes it about halfway before she stops. Her shoulders rise as she takes a deep breath, and I watch as she stands up straight, sets her shoulders back, and raises her chin. Steeling herself for whatever is about to happen.

That’s my girl.

I smile as she walks through the door and closes it behind her.

“He’s so fucked it’s not even funny,” Finn laughs as he makes his way towards the bar. As he pours us each a drink, I catch a glimpse of my bloodied hands. I’m not squeamish by any means; I’ve tortured and killed more men than I can count. Even though I’m a bit smaller than Ronan and Finn, I’m usually the muscle. People tend to underestimate my violent tendencies just because I come off more relaxed, but that’s where they’re wrong.

Ronan has always been the brains behind the operation, making plans and executing them by whatever means necessary. We all lean on him to make the tough decisions nobody else wants to make. And he makes them with no remorse. It’s what has made him a great leader. We both respect the hell out of him.

Finn observes everything and everyone. He’s constantly watching what’s going around him. He’s got a natural gift for reading people’s body language and assessing a situation as it’s happening in front of him. I’ve never seen anything like it. That’s why, more often than not, we let him do all of the interrogating. He can instantly tell whether someone is lying or telling us the truth; if they’re not… well, he knows how to pull the truth out of them. Interrogation helps Finn tap into his anger without losing control. His rage is always sitting just below the surface. Not that anyone would ever know.

Then there’s me—the muscle. I’m quick on my feet and damn strong too. I spend hours in the gym making sure I’m in the best shape that I can be to protect those I need to. My weapons skills are top-notch, and I’m not ashamed to brag that there isn’t a better shot or fighter around. My days often end with blood on my hands, but something about tonight is hitting me differently.

I flex my fists in front of me, zoning in on my crimson-stained hands. This man touched her. He could have hurt her. He wanted to take what was ours. After Finn pointed them out across the club and I saw that asshole touching her, I saw red. Before I knew what was happening, Finn was holding him down, and I was pounding his face into the floor. I couldn’t hear anything, couldn’t see anything. I just kept hitting him. I was so full of anger. All I could do to fix it was hurt him over and over again. The world ceased to exist until I knew he was taken care of. But when Harper grabbed my arm, and I looked into her sweet face, everything that was spiraling inside me slowed down.

She wanted me to stop, so I did. That’s it. She wanted it, so I gave it to her, no questions asked.

“Hey, Mac,” Finn is eyeing me hesitantly, holding out a glass, “You good?”

I take the drink from his hands and throw it back. “Yeah. It’s just…”

“I know, man. I know.”

“I don’t know what’s happening to me. I have never felt this way in my entire life.” I scrub my hand down my face, trying to think of a way to word what I want to say to Finn. “What I feel for her… I feel it deep in my bones. She’s it, man.” Finn doesn’t respond. He just looks at me, waiting for me to continue. “But that’s crazy, right? We’ve known her for all of five fucking minutes, and the only reason she’s here is because my dad wants her to be. There’s no way I should be feeling what I’m feeling.” Finn downs the rest of his drink and puts his hand on my shoulder.

“There is a reason, Mac. You just said it… she’s it. I. don’t know why or how this happened. But it did, and she’s here. Now, all we can do is hold on to her with everything we have and pray that she wants to stay.”

“What about Ronan?”

He smiles, “Don’t worry about Ronan. You know how he is. It’s going to take him time to let someone in. But I would be willing to be my right arm that whatever is happening in that room,” he points behind me, “is just what they both need.”

“But do you think she would want this, though? I mean long term.”

“Want what? All three of us?”