“Why? She is of no threat to him.”
“She’s no immediate threat, no. However, she’s the next in line to run their syndicate, being Freya’s daughter and all. He’s worried that if she’s left in charge, she will dismantle everything he’s built, and he’s probably not wrong.”
No, he’s probably not. But wait, “Then why the hell did you bring her here? Why are you having us protect her?”
“He put a hit out on her. He doesn’t want his men to know he would kill his own granddaughter. Hell, they don’t know he killed Freya and Aidan. If he’s willing to do that to family, imagine what he would do to anyone else.”
I grip his shirt harder, “That still doesn’t explain why she’s here!”
“Are you fucking daft, boy?! Where did she work? What did her whole life revolve around?”
It dawns on me, “The bank.”
“Yeah, the fucking bank. Do you think I wanted Declan Whelan to find out where she worked, where she spent all of her time? Do you think I wanted him to find out what was in the walls of Hayes Bookstore?”
I release his shirt and step back, “You’re trading her like cattle for… for money?”
“You bet your ass I am. Not only to keep our money safe but to collect the enormous payout he’s shelling out for her. I honestly had no idea he was even looking for her anymore, not until I contacted him. I knew he killed her parents, but I thought his vendetta stopped there. But he’s never been able to find her. Aiden and Freya covered her tracks well. Her life was a complete mystery to him until just a few weeks ago. As soon as he said her name, I knew she was the answer to our problems. I convinced him to call off the hit and have her brought to Ireland instead. That way, he could ensure she was taken care of in whatever way he saw fit. We don’t need more of his hired help crawling around the city than necessary. Harper just needs to lay low here until all the arrangements are made.”
“But what about the guy who tried to take her the day after we brought her here? The guy at her apartment?”
“Some asshole who never got the memo that the hit was called off.”
“What’s he going to do with her?”
“If I had to guess… he’s either going to force her to get with the fucking program or…”
“He’ll kill her.” I can feel my heart beating faster in my chest.
“I’m assuming it will be the latter of the two.”
“What is wrong with you?!”
He stares back at me like I have two heads. Like I’m a complete moron for not understanding why he would do this.
“We don’t do this kind of shit. We don’t sell people. That’s not who we are. And we sure as shit don’t send innocent women away to be murdered!”
“Oh, don’t start acting all high and fucking mighty on me now, Ronan.”
I can’t believe this… I really can’t. For as long as I’ve been involved with the shady side of our family business, there have been two sure and steady rules. We don’t buy and sell people, and we don’t hurt innocent women and children. Point blank. End of discussion. My father’s need for power and greed has gotten so bad that he’s willing to break both rules in one fell swoop.
I spin on my heels and walk to the other side of the room. I need to get some space between the two of us before I do something I’m going to regret. Like murdering him.
The sheer rage and fierce sense of protectiveness racing through my veins is a complete surprise to me. I’ve never felt like this before. But I can’t ignore it.
It’s Harper.
Sure, I haven’t let things get out of hand between her and me, but that doesn’t mean I feel nothing for her.
Hell, I feel the exact opposite of nothing.
She’s what Mac needs.
She’s what Finn needs.
She’s what I need.
She. Is. Everything.