Page 13 of Dangerously Safe

“Okay…” I whisper.

Finn hands Mac his keys, dragging me towards two black SUVs parked outside my apartment building.

They knew where I lived.

Mac shoves me into the passenger seat and throws my bags in the back before speeding off, not even giving Ronan and Finn a second look.

I can feel myself shaking in my seat. I needed to explain to Mac what I was doing. I can’t bring myself to look at him, so I stare at my hands in my lap as I mutter quietly, “Ronan said I couldn’t leave, but I just needed a few of my things. I was in and out. I didn’t know anyone knew where I lived. I didn’t think…”

“Exactly! You didn’t think!” Mac cuts me off. I finally look at him. His hands are gripping the steering wheel so tight his knuckles are white. He’s clenching his jaw hard enough it looks like he might crack a tooth. Everything about his posture says he’s furious, like he’s fighting the urge to explode, but when I look at his face, I sense something else entirely.


“He could have killed you right then and there, Harper. Or worse…” he lets out a shaky breath, “He could have taken you to god knows where, and we would have never found you. You’re lucky we knew where you lived.”

“Maybe you should have let him. Then I wouldn’t be your problem anymore,” I bite back defensively. I don’t need them yelling at me like I’m a child. I’m smart enough to recognize the danger I just put myself in. Then again, I guess I shouldn’t have left in the first place. I should have listened, but I’m certainly not about to admit that I was wrong and they were right.

He whips his head in my direction. “Don’t you dare say that. Don’t you fucking dare! You are my problem. You are our problem.”

I don’t say anything. I’m not even sure I’m capable of forming words at this point.

The rest of the drive back to their apartment is filled with so much tension someone could cut through it with a knife.

I messed up. And we’re only two days in.



What the hell was she thinking? That guy could have killed her. We were almost too late. All I can think about on the way home is what could have happened to her.

Why didn’t she just listen?

How did they figure out where she lived? Her address is scrubbed from every database possible. They had to have been following her.


I want to scream at her. I want to pull this car over and make her understand how bad that could have been. But I don’t. I need to keep my temper in check. She’s going to get it bad enough when Ronan gets home. She doesn’t need to hear it from me. She feels guilty enough already.

I look over to find Harper cowering in the passenger seat, and I sense that she’s afraid of me. I hate it. I don’t want her to be scared of me.

I want to be a safe place for her.

I pull my black Land Rover into the parking garage and grab her bags from the back seat. There better be priceless heirlooms in here, considering she risked her life for them.

Harper doesn’t wait for me to open her door and follows me into the elevator, and I set the bags down in front of me as the door closes. I look over and notice she’s shaking. I reach out to put my hand on the small of her back, and she flinches. It’s like a dagger to my chest. I put my hand on her back and sigh, “Princess, please don’t be afraid of me. I’m not going to do anything to you. I’m just upset.”

“But Ronan,” she whimpers, “He must be furious with me. He specifically told me not to leave, and I did it anyway. I just wanted my things.” I watch a tear roll down her cheek. “Is he–is he going to hurt me?”

I gently grab her jaw, making her face me, “He’s not going to hurt you, but he is going to be pissed, and he’s definitely going to yell.”

She doesn’t respond for a moment, then brings her eyes up to meet mine. “Is he going to kill that man?”

There’s no point in lying to her. “Yes. However, we need to get some information out of him first.” Goosebumps dance up her neck. I’m sure her imagination is running wild. She needs to understand that she may not need to be afraid of us… but everyone else should be. I take a step closer to her. I want to make her feel better. With her eyes still staring at mine, I bring my opposite hand up to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear and place it on the other side of her face.

“I’m just glad you’re safe, princess.”

“Thank you for coming for me.”