Page 12 of Dangerously Safe

My apartment is dark and moody, and lived in… basically the exact opposite of the guest room they have me in.

I walk over to my bed and pull two large duffle bags from beneath it. One for clothes and one for books and pictures. If I’m going to stay there, I want to be comfortable.

I start rummaging through my dresser as fast as I can and fill one bag with my usual attire- jeans, graphic tees, and sweaters. I don’t even bother grabbing anything nice to wear. I obviously won’t be going anywhere.

I run around the apartment, pick out my favorite books and some of my most cherished pictures, and stuff them in the remaining duffle. After quickly watering all my plants, I grab my jacket and bags and lock the front door.

After climbing down four flights of stairs, I push open the front door of the building and run straight into the back of a tall figure.

“Oops, so sorry about that!”

The man turns around, and I immediately take a step back. His appearance is jarring. He’s dressed in black from head to toe. His black hair is cut short and does nothing to hide the evil glimmer in his eye.

“Oh, that’s alright, Harper.”

Did he just say my name?

Giving him the benefit of the doubt, I ask, “I’m sorry, have we met before?”

A wicked grin spreads across his face, “No, we haven’t, but I know all about you.”

I feel my pulse quicken. This isn’t like when the guys showed up at the bookstore last night. Deep in my bones, I know I should be afraid of this man. I need to get out of here. “You must have me confused with someone else. I have to get going.” I quickly turn and walk down the street and around the block to catch a cab to get back to the guys’ apartment.

The man quickly falls in step behind me and tightly grabs my arm.

I shouldn’t have left. I shouldn’t have left.

“Where do you think you’re going? I’ve been waiting for you,” he hisses.

“I don’t know who you are, but I really need to get going. My boyfriend is waiting for me.” Smart Harp, let him know you have a boyfriend. Someone who will be missing you. Someone he should be afraid of.

“No… I don’t think you do. Let’s go. Don’t cause a scene.” The grin falls from his face, but the evil glimmer in his eyes remains.

I shouldn’t have left.

This man isn’t Declan, he’s far too young, but I know he’s here because of him. Who else would be after me?

I need to run. I need to make a scene. I don’t know what this man plans on doing with me, but I know it can’t be good. Declan killed his daughter, after all. I’m sure he’ll show me no mercy.

I can’t let him take me.

I rip my arm out of his grip, and just as I’m about to scream, a tattooed hand wraps around the man’s throat. There’s only one person I know with hands like that. Shit.


Before I know it, the man is on the ground with Ronan’s gun pressed against the center of his forehead. I look around, ensuring nobody is watching, only to realize I accidentally turned onto a dead-end street while trying to escape.

Well, that was stupid of you, Harp. Where were you planning on going after this?

The only people I see are two equally large men coming up behind Ronan. I haven’t known them long, but I immediately recognize Mac and Finn stalking toward me. They look furious.

Ronan still has his gun pressed to the man’s forehead as Mac comes toe-to-toe with me. “What the hell are you doing out of the apartment? We told you not to leave.” The flirtatious man from this morning is long gone.

Finn puts a hand on his shoulder before I can open my mouth to defend myself. “Mac, get her back to our place. Take our car. I’ll stay with Ronan and take care of this piece of shit.”

Mac takes a deep breath, and his shoulders relax slightly. I still can’t get myself to move. I disobeyed them, and they don’t exactly seem like rational men.

“Harper!” Ronan barks from the ground. “Just do as you’re told and go with Mac.”