Page 4 of Lovers and Lace

Sergio didn’t respond, but Allegra wasn’t wrong.

An hour later, following the after-show festivities, interviews, and backstage filming with the Delcinia Darlings, Sergio and Olivia rode the elevator, hand in hand up to her hotel room on the twentieth floor. After his goodbye kiss before the show, everyone assumed he and Olivia were together and neither of them corrected the impression.

Olivia turned and hugged him tightly when they reached her door. He savored the warm feel of her body against his. “Thank you for everything today. I know you were expected at the Martinez Designs show.” She kissed him on the cheek and promptly blushed.

Sergio ran a finger along the smooth line of Olivia’s jaw and her eyes drifted closed. “I didn’t want to be anywhere else.” It was the truth, regardless of how he assumed his father felt about it if all the ignored calls and texts were any indication. Sergio would deal with him later.

The chemistry between them was undeniable, but Sergio was hesitant. Olivia was only twenty to his thirty-two years. She was just beginning a new adventure, and he was an established mid-level executive at Martinez Designs. He should leave her alone, but she was too precious and he was too selfish to walk away.

“Stay,” Olivia whispered when she opened her eyes, hunger flaring in the blue depths.

Unwilling to deny himself, Sergio captured her mouth, and they came together in a frenzied, hungry kiss that left them both panting.

Olivia quickly ushered them inside her room and in a mad rush they undressed, tossing their clothing on the floor as they made their way to the king size bed. He’d seen her nearly naked on the Delcinia runway, but her glorious naked form spread out just for him against the white bedsheets took his breath away. Perfection. And his, at least for tonight. He grabbed a condom from his pants and tossed it on the nightstand.

Sergio positioned himself on top of her, Olivia’s body heat soothing his soul. He claimed her mouth again in a greedy kiss before grazing his tongue against her beaded nipple. She squirmed beneath him. He wanted to taste every inch of her delectable flesh, but his rigid cock ached to slide deeply inside of her. Sergio didn’t want to rush, but he was also anxious to fuck her as soon as he could.

He nibbled and licked his way to the tiny patch of trimmed blonde hair between Olivia’s legs. He inhaled her arousal and felt a burst of male pride. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

His thumbs parted her wet folds and Olivia arched into him as he flicked his tongue against her swollen clit. Encouraged by her moans, Sergio worked her pussy until she came apart, pulsing against his tongue and gasping for air.

With shaking hands, he managed to sheath himself. Sergio would never forget the dreamy expression on Olivia’s face when he thrust his aching cock inside her incredibly tight heat. She wrapped her long legs around his hips drawing him deeper inside her snug pussy. Nothing had ever felt so amazing, and Sergio had had his fair share of lovers over the years.

Olivia was wet and wild, her hunger matching his. She thrust her hips and gyrated against him as he pistoned in and out of her welcoming body. His thick shaft stretched her to her limits, and he knew he wouldn’t last long. He rubbed her distended clit when he felt his spine tingle and after a few last powerful strokes, they both came, their bodies shuddering in release.

Olivia held him tight as their breathing slowed and returned to normal. As if in complete sync with each other, they both sighed in unison. Reluctantly he rolled off and lay beside her, already eager to take her again. He was certain he’d never get enough.

A satisfied smile curved her lips, and Sergio felt ten feet tall. When her stomach growled her eyes widened and a blush stained her cheeks.

“I know people in this joint. Would you like me to order us room service and we can both clean up before the food is delivered?” He’d bet she’d been too nervous to eat before the show and was most likely famished. After they were fed and energized, all bets were off.

“That would be great, thank you.” Olivia gave him a quick brush of her lips and disappeared into the bathroom.

Sergio braced himself as he connected his cell phone call.

“Now you fucking answer the phone?” his father Carlos snarled.

“Dad, calm down.” Sergio’s gut clenched, knowing full well his father was probably fit to be tied. He was so tired of his father’s attitude most of the time.

“Calm down? After you betrayed your family for some…some underwear model?” Carlos spat out like he was describing a prostitute. Was his father serious with this shit?

Sergio’s body tensed and his jaw clenched. Olivia was a good girl from a hard-working, successful family with an exciting future ahead of her. He wouldn’t allow his father to besmirch her that way.

“Jesus Christ. I didn’t betray anyone. It’s not my company, it’s yours and Tía Silvia’s. It was important that the two of you were there, not me.”

“Your place was with us, not with some stranger,” his father insisted, like Sergio was a child.

Olivia was no longer a stranger. She was so much more. Someone special to him.

“I’m a grown man, Padre. I decide my place, not you.” The nerve of the man.

His father unleashed a string of curses, and Sergio hung up. He promptly turned his phone off and tossed it toward his clothes on the floor. Fuck his father’s obnoxious attitude and unacceptable demands and expectations. Sergio had an amazing evening ahead of him and wasn’t about to allow his father to fuck it up.

Chapter Two

March, 2023

Sergio rubbed his temple, standing in his father’s office, his head throbbing. This was what his life had become over the last nine years since his aunt Silvia passed away from lung cancer and his mother had been taken from them three weeks later by a massive brain aneurysm. His sister Antonella, now the head designer at Martinez Designs, sat in a guest chair nearly in tears.