Joy bubbled up when Sergio’s gaze landed on Olivia and their six-month-old Delia, who was sleeping peacefully in Olivia’s arms despite the noise and chatter around them. Peace and satisfaction hummed through his veins. They’d had a difficult time conceiving their youngest, but after nearly two years of trying they’d been blessed with their little angel. Sergio had never felt happier or more alive than he did now and was grateful Olivia had given their love a second chance.
Olivia approached Sergio, now sitting alone, with their youngest and another turtle sundae for her husband. Her mother had held Delia for her while she’d enjoyed a scoop of coconut chocolate almond ice cream, one of her favorite flavors.
Their trip to Orrville had been exactly what everyone had needed. As happy as they were in New York, their lives were hectic and demanding. Routine downtime was absolutely necessary and welcomed.
“No dessert after supper for you, Mister.” Olivia teased, taking a seat next to Sergio and placing his sundae in front of him.
He dug in, greedily inhaling a huge scoopful. “Yes, ma’am. It’s not my fault, though. It’s your family’s for making such exceptional ice cream.”
Olivia didn’t disagree. All the dairy’s products were of the highest quality and their continued sales growth was proof of that.
She rocked their sleeping baby gently in her arms, grateful for the blessing of Delia. It had been a rough road but worth the stress, tears and time it took to bring her into the world.
Justina waved at her and the baby from her table. Olivia blew her first born a kiss and winked at Carlos. Surprising them all, he’d shown himself to be a caring and patient grandfather to all three of his granddaughters.
Olivia leaned back in her chair, snuggling Delia, basking in the peace flowing through her. Sometimes she didn’t believe her life. How different things would have been had she not given Sergio a second chance, not that it mattered now.
She watched as Carlos held court at their table, the ladies seated there engaged and smiling as they chatted up a storm.
Olivia had had her doubts about him in the beginning. They all had.
The acquisition of Martinez Designs had gone fairly smoothly with only a few minor hiccups. And although Carlos had agreed verbally and in writing to “stay in his lane” as conditions of the merger, he did offer a suggestion or two along the way that Delcinia had implemented.
They’d expanded the internship program to include Martinez Designs and offered a field trip to the Bogotá factory for the interns. She and Sergio had turned the first intern trip into a second honeymoon of sorts, staying behind a few additional days after the students had returned back to New York. The Wahlstrom’s had provided comped rooms for everyone at their Bogotá resort and continued to do so for the yearly excursion.
Carlos had been happily welcomed back by the Wahlstroms. Select Martinez Designs clothing was now offered at all Wahlstrom hotels and resorts and sold well. The family had joyfully welcomed Ruby into the fold as well. Olivia couldn’t help but feel for Carlos and all the years he’d wasted keeping himself away.
The merger had brought the families together in ways none of them could have anticipated. Although Olivia had been sworn to secrecy, Carlos had shared he intended on proposing to Ruby during their Ohio visit. While an unlikely couple, Carlos and Ruby’s relationship worked.
Delia slowly came awake in Olivia’s arms, stretching and cooing sweetly. She kissed the top of the baby’s head, comforted by her scent. Delia’s eyes lit up when she noticed her daddy finishing up his second sundae. An unabashed daddy’s girl. No doubt about it.
“Want to come to Daddy and give Mommy a little break, beautiful girl?” Sergio took the baby onto his lap and bounced her gently. He was such an attentive dad. Her girls were lucky to have him. Olivia couldn’t help but to want to give Sergio a son, not that he didn’t adore the girls. She knew he did.
“I was wondering. What do you think about trying for a boy?” Olivia suggested while Sergio showered Delia’s chubby little cheeks with kisses. Her giggles made Olivia’s heart swell.
Sergio turned to her, raising a brow. “You want to try again? Considering all the trouble we had conceiving Delia?”
Olivia merely shrugged. She had a secret of her own she’d share with Sergio when they were alone. “You don’t want a boy? A little mini-me Sergio?”
Sergio chuckled, sending Delia into a giggling fit. “I love our girls to death, you know that. It’s not about wanting or not wanting a boy. It’s about your physical and our mental health trying again when we had so much trouble the last time. I adore the family we’ve made. And even with nannies and house staff, are plates are full.”
Valid points, but it was too late. By her estimation, Olivia was about two months along. She’d made an appointment with a competent OB/GYN in town during their visit.
“Are you open to discussing it later? After supper and the girls are down for the night?” She’d been surprised but thrilled when she’d read the results of the home pregnancy test she’d taken just before they’d left for Ohio. She prayed Sergio would be too.
“Of course, querida. I’m open to trying for another if you are, regardless of the gender we’re blessed with.” Sergio leaned closer and sealed the deal with a light kiss.
Thankful he’d most likely not be upset by her news, Olivia sat back and relaxed. She’d been on partial bed rest while carrying Delia, but she felt strong and was hopeful for the possibilities that lay ahead for them.
The End