Page 18 of Lovers and Lace

Ruby gasped, but Olivia, with tears glistening, made to stand. Fury burned hot in Sergio’s gut.

“Don’t fucking move,” he blurted to Olivia, not meaning to sound so harsh.

Olivia flinched, her eyes widening.

“I’m sorry. I’d like for you to stay,” Sergio said in a calmer, more even tone. He turned to his father and glared. “Don’t ever fucking speak to Olivia like that again. Understand? We’re partners in every way. Say what you have to say and get the hell out of here.”

Sergio was stunned when Olivia gestured for his father to sit at the table. She was too decent for the likes of Carlos Martinez. His father sat down and ran a shaky hand through his silver hair. He glanced at Ruby but didn’t say a word.

Heaving a sigh, Carlos hung his head. “I need your help. Everything’s a mess without you. Before Antonella, Elisa, and Valeria left, many on your management team had already left. Others continue leaving. I can’t. I can’t run the company.”

Sergio took his place at the table beside Olivia. He clasped her hand and gave it an assuring squeeze. She nodded back at him, with a compassionate smile curving her luscious lips. She was too good for the likes of Carlos Martinez.

“No shit.” Sergio wouldn’t make it easy for his father. Not after all he’d been through because of him. “You made my time at Martinez Designs and my life a living nightmare while I was there. I own my own company now. With Olivia. I’ve never been happier. Why the hell would I want to help you?”

“Because Delcinia is a family business, just like Martinez Designs and Wilson Dairy are. And family sticks together. They support each other,” Olivia said evenly, squeezing Sergio’s hand. His father nodded, wiping tears from his eyes. What the hell was happening?

“Are you suggesting I go back to Martinez Designs?” It was absolutely out of the question. Sergio was never leaving Delcinia or Olivia. Under any circumstances. “No fucking way. I’m not leaving you or Delcinia. Ever.”

Olivia wore a confident, cocky grin on her beautiful face. “Of course not. What I’m suggesting is Martinez Designs becomes a fully owned subsidiary of Delcinia. We’ll put a competent management team back in place. Martinez can offer some of our new Essence line at their stores. We can cross promote the brands and product lines. It can be a fairly seamless transition, if you agree.”

Fuck. Olivia was right, her plan could work. But did Sergio really want to show his father mercy that he certainly did not deserve?

“And we’d finally get Martinez Designs into the Walhstrom resort and hotel gift shops. I never understood why you wouldn’t let them carry inventory.” Sergio wasn’t fully on board with the idea of an acquisition, but the idea was worth serious contemplation and discussion. “And there are fine points that need to be ironed out first. The most important point is assurance in writing, that you will not interfere in any way with operations. If you do, the company will be put up for sale. Period.”

Sergio’s father glanced at him, Olivia, and Ruby with gratitude. “Our family came from nothing and built something wonderful. I never wanted the Walhstroms to think I wasn’t good enough for Justine, so I didn’t accept their charity.”

What? Sergio’d had no idea his father had felt inadequate. His father had loved his mother dearly and the Walhstrom family knew it.

Olivia looked Carlos squarely in the eyes. “From what Brooks and Margot told me, the Wahlstroms respected you and what your family accomplished. Charity is charity and business is business. They wanted to carry your designs because they’re exceptional, not out of pity. They’re going to carry some of our Essence line, and we’re thrilled.”

Sergio’s father nodded. “That’s on me then. Another failure for not understanding that. All the more reason for me to hand things over to the both of you and ‘stay in my lane,’ as Sergio has insisted so many times over the years, but I never listened.”

Sergio grunted. “That’s an understatement.” He was pissed his father had put him in this position. And grateful Olivia had chosen to try to find a reasonable solution rather than leave. He didn’t deserve her.

“Will you consider Olivia’s acquisition idea? Salvage what I’ve ruined? Preserve the family’s legacy?” Sergio had never experienced his father so agreeable. Hat in hand, heart on his sleeve. It was disconcerting.

“I’ll consider it if you agree to all my conditions.” Sergio wasn’t leaving anything to chance. He wasn’t certain his father could be trusted, not after so much had happened. For all Sergio knew, his father’s visit could be some sort of trick. He wasn’t taking any unnecessary risks.

His father blew out a relieved breath. “Thank you, hijo. I promise you won’t regret it.”

Sergio hoped not. His personal and professional futures were now on the line.

Energy buzzed backstage a few minutes before Delcinia’s September fashion week show was due to begin. On time, about twenty minutes late. It was Olivia’s last show before transitioning to Honorary Darling status to devote her time to corporate operations. A surreal moment to say the least. But one she eagerly embraced and accepted.

Olivia was kicking off the show in a racy new bra, panty, and garter belt set designed by Sienna Bellucci in Olivia’s signature purple. She glanced around the backstage area in awe. Her years of hard work and dreams were all coming to fruition. Olivia’s heart was full, and she teared up.

The new male Darlings were hamming it up for the film crew, joined by some of the larger sized female Darlings. Her sisters were enthusiastically chatting with more senior Darlings – all caught by the film crew. It hadn’t gone unnoticed to Olivia that her sisters had seemed smitten with two of the male Darlings in particular. She hadn’t said anything, yet, but planned to revisit her suspicions soon.

Regardless of possible love connections, Olivia ached with pride. It was going to be their best show to date.

“Everyone. Henry’s here.” Sergio’s father called out to the room in excitement. The room erupted in cheers and applause. “You should do something to honor his attendance. Show respect, don’t you agree, hija?”

Carlos was now referring to Olivia as daughter. In the four days since his appearance at Delcinia HQ, she, Sergio and Carlos had spent meaningful time together and had come to an agreement about the acquisition. The transaction would close after the fundraiser charity ball. She was cautiously optimistic about their plans.

Father and son were slowly rebuilding their relationship, and she and Carlos were finally getting to know each other like they should have done years ago. Carlos was also mending fences with the Walhstroms, who had welcomed him with open arms, understanding, and support.

“Why don’t the ladies blow Henry a kiss on their first pass by him and the men nod in recognition?” Sergio said, now beside her.