“I’m sure. This was always my plan. I have commitments with some other designers I’ll fulfill but after that…” Olivia wanted to concentrate on Delcinia and her lip care business.
Camille frowned, seemingly disappointed. “Don’t be hasty, dear. Why not transition to an Honorary Darling? Participate in shows at your discretion when time allows and be featured in the catalog?”
“You don’t have to decide right now. Take some time and think about it. Right now, everyone’s waiting on us.” Sergio stood, and she and Camille followed him to the studio. It made sense to her to wait before making a final decision. Camille’s Honorary Darling idea had merit ands was worth serious consideration.
As Olivia changed into her first lace bra and panty set, in deep purple, her signature color, she felt pleased at the diversity the female and male Darlings now represented. From Hispanics and Blacks to Asians and Caucasians, the wonderful models showcasing Delcinia’s designs reflected the diverse customer base they wanted to attract. And with her sisters as the initial larger sized models, every woman could see themselves in Delcinia’s lingerie.
When Olivia emerged onto the expansive studio that included various bedroom sets, couches and other furniture, she spotted Allegra with a reassuring arm around her youngest sister Faith who was clutching her lavender silk robe tightly around her. Faith seemed on the verge of tears. Not good.
Olivia had initially been concerned when Faith had agreed to this assignment. She’d always been shy but wanted to join her sisters, Olivia and Natalie.
It didn’t go unnoticed that Martina, Akira, and Fatima were all fawning over Sergio, encouraging him to get into a pair of Essence boxer pants and join them for the photo shoot. She ignored the unexpected raging jealousy and possessiveness gnawing at her insides and rushed to her sister’s side.
Allegra graciously stepped back, nodding at Olivia.
“I’m sorry, Liv. I don’t think I can do this. I feel so fat and ugly compared to everyone else,” Faith whispered.
Faith’s admission broke Olivia’s heart, and she was grateful everyone else provided them some much needed space, while offering their silent support from the sidelines. Olivia would never force Faith to do something she felt uncomfortable about.
“Hey now, Faith. That’s not true. You have a beautiful heart and soul. And it shines through on the outside.” Olivia knew Faith to be a math and science nerd, never caring much about her appearance, but she and Natalie were knockouts.
“I’ve always been envious of your and Natalie’s curvy hips and full tushies. Very sexy, honey. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. And you and Natalie will show all the other women who aren’t a size zero that they can feel beautiful in our products.”
“Because we’re all beautiful in our own way, and we shouldn’t feel self-conscious about wanting to wear luxury lingerie. We deserve to!” Natalie added.
“And trust me, bella, it’s confidence that makes a woman sexy, not the number on the scale.” Allegra turned to the men, quietly observing Faith’s mini-meltdown. “Am I right, ragazzi?”
The men all murmured their agreement and nodded, smiling at Faith.
Allegra’s words seemed to have a positive effect on Faith as she stood tall and proud, nodding decisively. Her eyes were bright, and her smile was sweet, like the girl herself.
“What do you say we show the world how amazing the Wilson sisters are?” Olivia couldn’t wait to introduce her sisters to their customer base around the globe.
“Yes. Let’s do this!”
“Mierda.” Sergio wiped up the marble kitchen counter where he’d spilled black sauce. He’d invited Olivia over for dinner after the shoot so they could review the girls’ scholarship program.
Once Faith had calmed down, and they’d gotten through a few test shots with the Wilson sisters in different shades of purple, smirking at the camera, giving it the finger, the session including the male Darlings had gone well. He was confident they would expand their customer base.
His favorite photo of the day had been of the Wilson sisters posing with a curved white overstuffed chaise lounge. Olivia lay on the lounge, with Natalie standing beside her and Olivia’s arm wrapped around Natalie’s thigh. Faith sat on the ground in front of Olivia with an arm draped over Olivia’s legs. It was a stunning photo and a wonderful introduction of the sister trio.
The male and female models coalesced perfectly in various shots. Some sensual with the Enchantment lingerie pieces and others more “family friendly” with the new Essence line. Good natured flirting between the men and women wouldn’t have bothered him if it hadn’t included Olivia. The men didn’t realize Olivia was off limits.
When she’d been paired up with Nigerian Chiemeka, or Cooper as he was called, for some test shots with the Eden line, Sergio had nearly lost his shit. When she’d appeared wearing the chapel length bridal robe with a lacy garter belt set underneath, he’d been close to demanding to take Cooper’s place as Fatima and Akira had suggested unabashedly while flirting with him.
It could have been his imagination, but it had seemed that Olivia had been jealous of the women’s overtures toward him. There was nothing to be jealous of. Regardless, Sergio was no model, but watching Cooper with Olivia in a bridal scenario had pissed him the fuck off.
How many times had he imagined his and Olivia’s wedding night? A million, that was how many. And watching it play out, albeit fake, in front of the camera with another man, had made Sergio’s blood boil. They were supposed to be together, damn it.
Working so closely together the past few weeks and not being able to take Olivia in his arms and love her like he’d wanted to do for so long, had been bittersweet torture. She’d warmed up to him over the past weeks but had kept her interactions with Sergio annoyingly professional.
At least she hadn’t pulled away when he’d placed a hand on her shoulder or extended kind physical and non-physical gestures not meant to be sexual. He’d promised himself he wouldn’t push her, but he was anxious to pursue a personal relationship with her. To make up for all the lost years his father had snatched from them. There wasn’t a moment to waste.
The doorbell rang just as he’d finished setting the table. The posta cartagenera (black sauce pork) with the sauce on the side as Olivia preferred, rice and salad were ready to serve.
Sheer joy overtook him when Sergio opened the door of his townhome mansion, previously owned by the late fashion legend Dario Balestra. He found Olivia makeup free, holding her laptop bag ready to work, but her inner light shined brightly.
Olivia inhaled deeply and moaned. Sergio’s cock stirred. “Is that posta cartagenera?”