Olivia’s eyes lit up. “Does that mean what I think it means?”
Antonella’s expression turned serious. “Yes. Generally speaking. Elisa and I want to get married.”
Olivia bounced in her chair, clapping happily. Sergio couldn’t be more pleased. He considered Elisa a third sister. She was also a perfect match for Antonella. His stomach churned as he sensed a “but” coming he wouldn’t be happy about.
“If it involves Dad, I don’t want to hear it.” He wasn’t going to risk upsetting Olivia on this day of all days. Hell no.
Olivia surprised him and reached over, squeezing his hand gently. “It’s fine. We’re family, aren’t we?” Sergio didn’t think he could love the woman any more than he did, but he was still uneasy.
“I’m expecting Dad to become totally unhinged when we tell him the news. And to be honest, things have been steadily going downhill since you left. Many on your management team have left. Some in other departments too. Fortunately, the team you put together in Colombia hasn’t been affected. Yet.”
Sergio wasn’t surprised. Olivia squeezed his hand again. His signal to keep his mouth shut. Yes, ma’am.
“We need to leave too. Your father is decimating Silvia’s legacy and we can’t stay and watch him slowly destroy everything,” Elisa said, her voice devoid of emotion.
“Uncle Emmanuel, Juan, and Francisco won’t go against him because Dad’s the oldest.” Antonella added. She reached to the ground beside her and placed a sketch pad in front of Olivia.
Sergio would love to bring Antonella on at Delcinia. She was an immense talent the company would be lucky to have. Elisa too. Pissing his father off when he found out was an added bonus.
“You’re hired. Both of you,” Sergio announced with lightness in his chest.
“Absolutely!” Olivia agreed.
Elisa nodded happily, seemingly relieved.
Antonella glared at him. “Can I present my pitch at least?”
Sergio rolled his eyes. “Go ahead.” He was certain he and Olivia would love Antonella’s ideas. And he was certain that Camille, Isabella and Sienna would welcome her with open arms.
“Since you’re expanding into non-lingerie items with the Essence line and offering larger sizes, I got to thinking.” Antonella opened the sketch pad and moved it between him and Olivia. “What about expanding Delcinia’s product line a little more. I call it the Essentials line.”
He and Olivia flipped through the pages. Olivia oohing and aahing at the designs in various shades of purple. Smart, but not necessary. Sergio quickly recognized the potential of the casual dresses in mini, midi, and maxi lengths with assorted necklines. Her designs included rompers, jumpsuits, leggings, and a complete line of sportswear. It was all perfect in his opinion. Antonella had obviously poured her heart out designing everything.
“I love all of this, including Essentials as the line name. Are you really sure you want to come work for us? Both of you?” Sergio shared Olivia’s concern about his father’s reaction to Antonella’s and Elisa’s desertion from Martinez Designs, but they were grown women and they needed to do what was best for their careers and futures.
Antonella and Elisa both nodded happily. He’d bet they couldn’t wait to give notice. Or not. Sergio hadn’t bothered to, and his father certainly hadn’t deserved the courtesy.
Olivia turned to him with a gleam in her eyes and raised a brow. They’d be idiots to refuse. Good thing he and Olivia weren’t idiots. Sergio nodded at his business partner.
“Welcome to you both. There isn’t enough time to include any of these designs in the September show, but we can get started planning for next February.” Olivia glanced down at the sketch pad and grinned as she continued looking everything over.
“Of course,” Antonella said. “If Essentials does well, I was thinking we could add sexy evening dresses and club wear.”
Sergio thought that was an excellent idea. Elisa glanced at him with tears in her eyes and mouthed thank you. Sergio winked back. He looked forward to having them on board. Sergio anticipated Valeria would probably follow them to Delcinia, and he had no problem with that. In fact, he preferred having them all under one professional roof.
Olivia glanced back up with concern etched on her face. “Carlos is going to be furious. We all know that. But can I ask if he knows I’ve moved in with Sergio?”
“I certainly didn’t tell him, and I don’t give a shit what he thinks about it if he does know.” Sergio’s father’s opinion about his life was irrelevant and unwelcomed.
“Val told him the other day. She was so excited it slipped out,” Antonella admitted.
Olivia pursed her lips, seemingly processing the information. “Dare I ask what he said? Not that it matters, but…”
Elisa shrugged. “He didn’t really say anything. I was surprised.”
Yet. Sergio’s father hadn’t said anything yet. He knew his father well. A storm was brewing, and when Antonella and Elisa came out and then quit, all hell would break loose.
And that’s what worried Sergio most. His and Olivia’s newfound relationship was still fragile. He couldn’t. Wouldn’t allow his father to fuck things up for them a second time. Until the inevitable showdown, he’d enjoy his and Olivia’s “love bubble,” as she referred to it, and pray they survived the aftermath of Carlos Martinez.