Page 3 of Off the Hook

Chapter Two

Luke willed his racing heart and overactive dick to calm the hell down as Jake pulled out of the Jaynes’ driveway. He needed to get his act together or risk making a fool of himself in front of his princess. Yeah, somehow, some way, Abbey would be his.

And what the fuck was wrong with Jake? He’d been with Cassie for six months and was just now introducing him? He’d get an earful about that when they were alone.Asshole.

Did Jake think he would pounce on the girl? Jake had told him Abbey was shy. Into books and computers. Most likely still a virgin. Jake had been Cassie’s first, so it made sense.

Luke’s mind was already racing with thoughts of Abbey being his. Was that premature? Not for him. But he’d take his time. He wasn’t a jerk and would let her set the pace. Follow her lead.

Luke still felt the warmth of her hand even though they were now in her lap. He wanted to feel her silky-smooth skin again. His new iPhone rang, startling him. Noticing his Uncle Darren’s name on the display he answered without hesitation.

“Uncle Darren, is everything all right?”

“Yes, Luke. Nothing to worry about. I wanted to remind you about early practice in the morning,” his Uncle Darren said, all business, as usual.

Luke sighed. He didn’t need a reminder. His entire life was scheduled down to the minute. God, he needed tonight in the worst way. A few hours to be himself. Just Luke. Out with friends and the girl who would be his. Hoped would be his.

“I know, Uncle Darren. I’ll be there. On time.” he replied, holding his anger in check. He didn’t enjoy being treated like a child. He was an MLB pitcher, even though only a middle reliever at the moment. His day was coming, he felt it.

“Good, that’s what I wanted to hear. Please tell everyone I said hello. Enjoy your evening, Luke,” Darren said and disconnected the call.

Relieved to be off the phone, he shoved it back in his pants pocket. “My uncle says hello,” he said to everyone. Abbey’s smile lit up her face, causing his heart to flutter. He wasn’t used to feeling that way around a girl.

“Was he checking up on you, man?” Jake teased.

Luke’s face warmed, and Abbey giggled. “Don’t be embarrassed, Luke. My mother checks up on me all the time. She probably won’t tonight because Cassie’s with me,” Abbey offered.

“Parents. We’re all adults, for shit’s sake, right?” Cassie asked.

“Come on, guys. Give the parents a break. They’re just looking out for us. We’ll do the same thing someday when we have kids,” Jake added diplomatically, already sounding like the lawyer he’d be in three years.

Maybe so, but Luke didn’t like it. He was responsible to a fault. Did as he was told. Never caused trouble. Worked and studied hard. There was no reason for his uncle to be on his case so much.

Abbey, as if sensing his distress, reached over, held his hand, and squeezed it gently. A calm Luke needed washed over him at her sweet gesture.

“So, is everyone hungry? I’m starved,” Abbey admitted.

“Absolutely!” Cassie seconded.

Luke kissed her hand and felt a sense of male pride when she shivered. “Me, too.”

Jake pulled into Cucina Antonetti’s parking lot near the corner of York Street and Butterfield Road and found a space. It was a busy Saturday night for the popular Italian Elmhurst favorite.

“Since there are four us, we can order from their family style menu. And since I invited everyone,I’mpaying, Luke. No arguments,” Jake warned him.

Luke was about to argue for the tip, but with Abbey watching and listening, he decided not to press the point. “Fine.”


Abbey and Cassie excused themselves to the ladies’ room while the guys stood in line waiting to be seated. Abbey washed her hands while Cassie checked her makeup.

“Aren’t you and Luke the pair, huh?” Cassie commented as she finger-combed her hair and then washed her hands.

Abbey’s cheeks flushed pink, and she turned away. “What do you mean?”

“Don’t pull that crap on me. You know exactly what I mean.” Cassie grabbed her by the hand and led her to one of the Italian tapestry couches along the wall, sitting them both down. A couple of guests came in to use the facilities, and she and her sister waited until the bathroom stall doors closed before speaking.

“I don’t know what to say,” Abbey began softly. She didn’t have much experience with boys. But Luke wasn’t a boy. Neither was Jake. They were men.