Page 5 of Off the Hook

Everyone laughed and sang along, but Abbey’s head spun when Jake produced a little black ring box. Was Jake proposing? Now? Cassie said they had a plan. Getting engaged at nineteen wasn’t a part of it.

“It’s gonna be all right. I promise, princess,” Luke whispered in her ear.

Luke’s body heat made her tingle all over, but she needed to focus on Cassie and Jake. She watched on, nearly in a panic but calmed down quick. Jake gave Cassie a beautiful blue promise ring,notan engagement ring.

Cassie was thrilled and squealed with joy. After she kissed Jake senseless, much to the amusement of the other diners and wait staff, they finally settled down to dinner.

Conversation flowed nicely over the next hour, and they relaxed outside after finishing dinner without Luke fighting Jake over the check. She and Luke sat on a guest bench under a tree with Cassie and Jake on another a few feet away. The outside lighting provided just enough illumination so she could make out Luke’s blond hair and sparkling blue eyes.

This was it. Butterflies took flight in Abbey’s stomach and her heart fluttered. She was pretty sure Luke was going to kiss her.

He scooted closer, their thighs touching. “Abbey. Would it be all right if I kissed you?” he whispered.

Too overwhelmed to speak, she nodded. He hesitated then gently brushed his lips against hers. When he ran his tongue along the seam of her lips, she opened them. His kiss was coaxing and confident, like nothing she’d ever experienced before. Her head was swimming by the time he ended their kiss with a nibble of her lower lip.

“Mmm … cherry lip gloss. I wondered about that all night.”