Page 7 of On the Ropes

Angel pointed to Madison who promptly shook her head. “Tell us more about hunky Kyle Asher.”

Madison quickly jumped in. “Not on my account. Rox?”

Roxanna just shrugged, not appearing very interested.

“Kyle’s probably about six and a half feet tall, broad-shouldered, with sandy blond hair, sexy blue eyes, and dimples. He’s well-built and has a dreamy southern accent.”Cassie looked around the room for everyone’s reaction.

“I think he sounds amazing, don’t you think, Abbey?” Leah turned to her and winked.

She rolled her eyes. Although Kyle sounded amazing, she would not let on about her possible interest to anyone else. “Cassie, just continue without all the Kyle commentary, okay?”

Cassie stuck her tongue out at Abbey and continued. “So when Kyle was in New York getting his ink done, he met Heather. She was considering retiring from modeling. It turns out she was more of a small-town farm girl than her mother. All the traveling just got to be too much for her. She wanted to do something else and Kyle helped her come up with a business idea and plan for a shop that sells lingerie, adult toys, costumes, etcetera. It’s called Impulse. They opened their first shop in Envy and her brothers moved their place to Envy too. It’s called Envied Body Art. Impulse is a part of the Envy Entertainment group or family of businesses. Kyle used the word ‘family’ a lot when describing how he wants to build their brand and company.”

“Cassie, that’s not so scandalous.” Abbey didn’t understand what the big deal was. There were adult shops all over Chicago and online.

“Oh, but a lot of Impulse’s customers are from Envy Entertainment’s other business.”Cassie smiled and everyone waited to hear about this other business.

After what seemed liked forever, Cassie continued. “It’s a kinky sex club called Club Envidious!”

“No way, like BDSM?” Vanessa asked.

“Red room of pain-type stuff?” Madison speculated.

“Never say that to Kyle. Real life differs from books, but it’s not a room, it’s more like a complex. The original Club Envidious is in Envy. Kyle’s older sister Lauren lives there and manages it and the Golden Horns there. Kyle is behind their expansion plans.”

Abbey hadn’t expected a sex club. She might have to reconsider Kyle Asher after all. She wasn’t into the BDSM scene. At least she didn’t think she was. She had never tried anything very kinky. After she and Luke split up, she hadn’t dated very much. She had focused on her job at OSG and night school.

Cassie had everyone’s attention now. “They’re putting their Chicago site in Oak Brook, down 22nd Street here at Camden Court.”

“That’s just some vacant office building,” Angel said.

“Envy Entertainment bought it and it’s been completely renovated. It has a lounge and bar, a huge dungeon, themed play rooms, and executive apartments on the top floor.” Cassie looked so excited and Abbey was surprised. Were her sister and her soon-to-be brother-in-law into BDSM? Was Luke?

It doesn’t matter what Luke’s into now. You’re moving on, remember?

Leah seemed uncomfortable but looked at Cassie with a serious expression on her face. “I don’t want details, but are you and Jake into that stuff?” That was what Abbey wanted to know but was too embarrassed to ask. From the looks on Angel’s, Vanessa’s, Madison’s, and Roxanna’s faces, they were curious too.

“No, not really. I mean, aren’t we all maybe a little curious though?”

All the women in the room looked intrigued. Roxanna spoke up first. “Curious, sure. I don’t think I could ever actually go to BDSM club though.” Everyone in the room nodded in agreement.

“Me either. But there’s another section of the building that’s separate from Club Envidious where the Twisted Tea Society meets twice a month.”

Madison spoke up this time. “And what’s that?”

“You can read all about how it started on their website, but it’s a kinky erotic book and social club for women. There’s a membership process similar to Club Envidious, but there’s no sex, whips, Doms, or anything like that. And the twisted part is that naked male servers serve the members tea and refreshments, and give them footbaths, foot and shoulder massages. And did I mention, the male servers are naked?” Cassie smiled brightly,proud of herself for knowing something the rest of the group didn’t.

Abbey couldn’t help herself. “Liar. They are not naked.”

Cassie nodded. “You’re right. They’re not completely naked. They wear bow ties.”

Roxanna typed furiously on her smart phone. Her mouth dropped open and she looked up. “Cassie’s right, it says that on their website. Beverages and refreshments served to you by naked male servers wearing bow ties. It says it’s a safe, discreet place to indulge your kinky curiosity, or the Clothed Female Naked Male fetish.”

Abbey could admit she liked the sound of the Twisted Tea Society. It was probably as daring as she’d ever be. What the hell? It could be fun. Another part of her plan to move on with her life post-Luke. Maybe Kyle wasn’t so bad after all if he cared enough to make something like the Twisted Tea Society available to ladies like them.

Madison typed away on her smart phone. “Oh, I like the sound of this. One of the benefits of membership is a break from your hectic lifewhere you can just befor a few hours, twice a month, in a relaxing, comfortable environment. Oh! And a fifteen percent discount at Heather Bellatoni’s Impulse store. Great!”

This Twisted Tea Society was sounding better and better.

“They’re looking at potential Impulse locations here in Oak Brook and Elmhurst. Heather will be here for the grand opening,” Cassie said.

“That sounds really amazing.” Angel went to answer the door.

“Angel, just a second before you answer the door. Kyle’s looking for a salon to bring into the Envy Entertainment family of businesses. They use a salon in Rapture, Texas. It’s Envy’s sister city the next town over. The salon’s owner is a small-town girl. She doesn’t want to expand. Kyle’s looking to expand the businesses to New York, Chicago, Nevada, Los Angeles, and Florida, to name a few. It could be an exciting opportunity for you. For all four of you.” Cassie looked at all four stylists, seeming to hope they were interested. Vanessa, Roxanna, and Madison all turned to Angel, waiting for her feedback.

Angel smiled at Cassie and nodded. “Thanks, Cassie. It’s something to consider. I want to finish my MBA program before I tackle the next step. Are you all ready for me to open the door?”

Cassie took a deep breath and nodded her head. Abbey took a couple of deep breaths herself. Now wasn’t the time to think about Kyle Asher or naked male servers at the Twisted Tea Society.

Abbey had to be at her best today for Cassie. She was going to be the maid of honor Cassie needed and deserved. And she would deal with seeing Luke for the first time in ten years. Calmly and confidently—she hoped.