Page 64 of On the Ropes

“All right then. I agree, fuck OSG if they’re stupid enough to let this Tim Webber asshole get rid of you. And this Brenna bullshit, Luke?”

“Yes, what about that? I got the impression you and Abbey were back together? You know, I’ve always liked you Luke, but I won’t stand for your hurting my girl. So I’m with Jake on this one.” Abbey’s father glared at Luke. He’d never done that before. Luke didn’t like it one bit.

“Dad, don’t be mad at Luke,” Abbey pleaded.

Luke kissed the hand he’d been holding and she smiled weakly at him. “Phil, Monica, everyone—I’m sorry about the entire Brenna Sinclair fiasco. I promise you all there is nothing going on between Brenna and me.”

“Come on, Luke. You’ve been dating her, or you were, for three years. It’s not like you’ve been hiding that fact.” Phil looked at Luke with such disgust his stomach dropped to his feet. This isn’t good.

“I know it appeared that way, but I promise you, it was all just for the press. We never had a romantic relationship. In fact, she’ll speak first at tomorrow’s press conference and admit everything publically. I would never disrespect Abbey like that. In fact, I asked your little girl to marry me earlier and she accepted. I wanted to get your and Monica’s blessing first, but this weekend didn’t go as planned. I hope you can find it in yourselves to give us your blessing now?” Luke held out Abbey’s left hand, allowing everyone to see the shimmery engagement ring.

“Wow! That’s some rock,” Grandma Ruth exclaimed.

“What is that, ten carats or something?” Grandma Beverly asked excitedly.

“I had originally wanted a ten-carat center stone, but I knew Abbey would feel uncomfortable with something that big. It’s seven carats.” Luke kissed the knuckles on Abbey’s left hand.

“It’s plenty big, too big actually, but I know Luke too. He would never settle for something small.”

Leah clapped her hands. “Congratulations! This is great news.”

“Good going, little brother,” Heath added.

“Welcome to the family, right, Dad?” Cassie asked cautiously.

Phil didn’t look convinced or happy. Monica nudged him with her elbow, but he didn’t budge.

“Dad, Luke’s telling the truth about Brenna. I spoke to her earlier. She admitted everything and I believe her and Luke. She’s a nice person. She’s thrilled Luke and I are together. It’s all going to come out at tomorrow’s press conference.”

“See Phil, Brenna’s going to tell everyone she’s a lesbian tomorrow. Don’t be an ass and give Luke your blessing.” Grandma Ruth glared at her son and waited.

“Mom! Fine. If Abbey believes Luke and Brenna, then I believe them too. You have my blessing, but treat my girl right.” Phil stood and walked toward him and Abbey. Luke and Abbey stood and held hands, presenting a united front.

Phil extended a hand and Luke sighed in relief. He shook Phil’s hand and then his future father-in-law brought him in for a hug. He clapped Luke’s sore shoulder a little too hard, but Luke didn’t mind. Phil wasn’t angry at him. He considered it a win. The room erupted in applause.

“I’ll do right by your girl, Phil. She won’t want for anything,” Luke whispered as they broke apart.

“That’s all I ask. Welcome to the family, Luke.” Phil hugged his daughter and inspected the rock Luke put on Abbey’s finger. That’s right, Phil, a ring fit for a princess. My princess.

Suddenly he and Abbey were surrounded by the rest of their family. Everyone offered their congratulations and hugs. So many hugs. Luke would have to apply more emu oil cream and take more pain reliever once he and Abbey returned to his suite. The ladies oohed and aahed over Abbey’s ring and his woman beamed with pride.

Jake and Cassie’s secret reveal received the attention it deserved too as everyone turned their attention to the newlyweds and expectant parents. The ladies all wanted to touch Cassie’s still-flat stomach. Pretty soon they’ll be touching Abbey’s pregnant belly too. The thought had Luke stiffening in his jeans. Unfortunately, fucking Abbey again would have to wait as he saw Jake regroup. Their family conference wasn’t over yet.

“All right, I don’t think our meeting is over just yet. Does anyone else want to share anything?” Jake looked directly at his sister Leah and Heath.

Heath blushed and looked at his shoes. Leah, not surprisingly, took the lead. “Heath and I want to see if we can make a relationship work, right?” Leah turned to Heath, encouraging him with a bright smile.

Heath looked at a confused Dan Tyler, Jake and Leah’s father. “Yes, it’s true. Dan, I hope you’re not angry with me. You’ve known me for a long, long time…”

“Since when have you two been dating? I don’t understand.” Dan scratched his head, as though he was unsure of whether to be angry or accepting.

“Dad, I’ve loved Heath all my life. He’s always put me off because he didn’t want to betray Jake or our family.”

“But I knew Heath’s had feelings for Leah for a while now. I told him that as long as he made an honest effort with Leah, regardless of the outcome, he wouldn’t have an issue from me. I think the two of them should give it a try,” Jake told his father.

Jake and Leah’s mother Sara nodded and smiled. “I can actually see the two of you together. It’s really up to the two of you though. You both know what’s best.” She looked at her husband.

Dan shrugged. “You’re both adults. It’s not my place to dictate who you date. We’ve been friends or rather family for a long time. Let’s agree to not let whatever happens between the two of you affect our relationship.”