Page 59 of On the Ropes

“So I was thinking, since you’re now unemployed, and we’re back together for good, what do you think about moving in with me?” Luke asked.

Abbey wasn’t opposed to moving in with Luke. Especially since they were trying to start a family. But he lived on Chicago’s Gold Coast. Abbey had always lived in Elmhurst. She liked the suburbs and wasn’t planning on being unemployed for long.

“I’ve seen pictures of your bachelor pad in Chicago, Luke. It’s not a family-oriented space.” She snuggled up against him, now feeling a chill.

He rubbed her arm. “That’s true. Keeping it will be convenient since it’s close to Stryker Field and the Cobras’ corporate offices. Let’s look for a nice gated community around here? My place in Nevada is gated and family friendly. We can do whatever you want. Haven’t you heard? Your man is loaded.”

Abbey didn’t care about that. She’d loved Luke before he was rich and famous. He knew she wasn’t some gold digger. She was educated and independent. That would never change.

“Yup. My man is a pretty, rich boy. I do like the idea of finding a secure place here in the suburbs though. A gated community is unfortunately a must, I think. Good thing you’re loaded, right?” Abbey giggled when Luke tickled her. “I know his wife is a bit much to take, but if we’re going to look locally, Mr. Gleason is one of the best around for luxury properties. He’s well respected in the area and works hard for his clients.”

Luke groaned. “That wife of his, shit. But hey, if he’s got a good reputation, I’d be happy to give him a shot to find us something. Or maybe facilitate the construction of a new place.”

Abbey shivered. What a nightmare building would be. She’d heard too many horror stories about new home construction even though it had become prevalent in Elmhurst over the last several years. “You sure you want to go through the stress of building and starting a family and transitioning to the next phase of your career at all the same time?” Abbey hated the idea.

“Hell no. Not when you put it like that. You’re right. For now, let’s buy something. We can build something later if we want. So smart, my princess. One of the many reasons I love you so much.”

Luke sat up and stretched. Abbey would never tire of looking at his sculpted body. My Viking. The bruises on his shoulder looked a little better, like they were healing. Abbey joined him and sat up, feeling soreness between her legs. She didn’t mind. She wasn’t about to give up having sex with Luke because he was big. She’d just have to get used to it. It’s a cross I’ll happily bear.

Luke brushed some of her hair behind her shoulder and gently kissed it. She warmed up all over again. “Luke, I know I’m not employed at the moment, but I plan on looking for something else soon. I know you’re going to say I don’t need to work, being loaded and all, but that’s not me.”

Abbey prayed this didn’t cause friction between them. She wanted Luke, a family, and more.

He shrugged and kissed her shoulder again. “I know. I want to take care of you, though. However it makes you the happiest. You could make good use of your MBA with me. There are all kinds of opportunities within the Cobras’ organization and the foundation. Lots of possibilities. It’ll depend on what you want and to what degree you want to be involved. Full- time, part-time, special project work. I want you to understand you have a lot options now that you’re not tied to Office Supply Galaxy anymore.”

Abbey’s heart warmed. She liked the idea of working alongside Luke. She’d be in good company with so many of their family members already for working for the Cobras. She was flattered by Luke’s proposal. “You really wouldn’t mind us working together?”

Luke shook his head and kissed her lips. So warm and delicious. “Of course not. We’re a team. The organization would be lucky to have you. I’m lucky to have you.”

The pounding on Abbey’s suite door startled them both. “Luke! Abbey! Family meeting in the fucking honeymoon suite. Now!” Jake sounded angry. Really angry. Abbey couldn’t blame him, though. The fiasco after brunch must have been the straw that broke the camel’s back.

“Shouldn’t you and Cassie be getting a couple’s massage right now?” Luke shouted back.

“Fuck that massage and fuck you. I’ve had it with all this shit this fucking weekend! You and Abbey clean up and get dressed right now and meet everyone in my fucking room.”

Luke laughed. Abbey giggled. “Are we in trouble?” Luke teased Jake.

“Hilarious, asshole. I mean it, Luke. You have ten minutes or I’ll drag you to my fucking suite myself, dressed or not. I mean it!” Jake stomped away, but they could hear him cursing as he walked down the hallway.

Luke blew out a breath and frowned. “He’s pretty pissed. I don’t blame him. Come on, princess.” Luke stood and helped Abbey up off the floor. They both groaned and stretched some of their stiffness away. “When Jake’s finished bitching me out, we’ll come back and use the bed.”

She couldn’t agree more. The bed sounded much more inviting than the floor. “Sounds good to me.”

She collected her clothes, minus the torn panties, and her carry-on bag and then dashed into the en suite bathroom. She tossed her things on the white backless couch and cleaned up as quickly as she could. Ten minutes wasn’t much time. She wished there was time for a quick shower. Her parents would be in Jake and Cassie’s room. She wasn’t thrilled to smell like sex in front of them and everyone else.

Luke swaggered in with his clothes like he didn’t have a care in the world and tossed them on the couch beside hers. Men. He placed the spa bag on the floor beside the couch. What’s up with that spa bag?

When Abbey felt decently refreshed, she washed her face and brushed her teeth. Luke frowned at her in the vanity mirror. “What’s wrong, Luke? Is it your shoulder? Are you in pain?” She panicked. All of his baby making efforts could be hurting him. They needed to slow things down. There was plenty of time to get pregnant. Luke’s priority should he his shoulder.

He finished washing up and began getting dressed. Abbey followed. “My shoulder’s fine. That emu oil cream Hannah gave me is helping. I hated seeing you wipe and wash away all my cum from between your legs.” Luke shrugged and put his shoes on.

Abbey tied the waist tie on her sundress and sat on the couch to put her sandals back on.

Luke was obviously anxious to start their family. She couldn’t fault him for that. So was she.

“I’m sorry, but I had to clean up. My parents are in Jake and Cassie’s room. And cleaning up won’t affect anything anyway. Your baby makers have done their job.”

Luke kneeled down in front of Abbey and held both her hands. He leaned in and lightly brushed his lips against hers. He smiled up at her. “I know, I’m just being stupid. I’m excited to start our family. That’s all.”