Page 67 of On the Ropes

Kyle Asher? From Golden Horns? The Dom who owned Club Envidious and that Twisted Tea Society ladies social group?

“Kyle, it’s Luke Stryker. I need your help.”

“Hey, Luke. If I can help, I will. What do you need?”

“First, do you have a room on Monday September fourth for my wedding rehearsal dinner? The names are Lucas Morrison and Leann Reynolds. And second, my bride needs a Bellatoni wedding gown. The wedding date is Wednesday September sixth.”

Abbey widened her eyes in surprise. How did Luke know she’d dreamed of wearing a Bellatoni at her wedding? Abbey heard Kyle Asher clicking away on a keyboard.

“I might have accidentally found your wedding folder back in the day, princess. You had magazine pictures of Bellatoni wedding gowns. I vowed to myself that day that you’d wear the Bellatoni gown of your dreams at our wedding.”

Abbey hugged Luke so hard her arms ached. How could this man, her man be so sweet? So accommodating, so considerate?

“All right, I moved a couple things around. I have a room you can use. It can hold up to forty people. I can squeeze in a few more if you need them. For the gown, I’ll give Heather Bellatoni a call. I don’t think getting a nice selection of gowns for your bride to choose from will be a problem. Don’t forget the bridesmaids. Text me everyone’s measurements and an idea of what the bride is looking for in the next couple of days and I’ll pass that along to Heather. I’m assuming we’re talking about that beautiful blonde I saw you with on Facebook yesterday?

Luke kissed Abbey softly, his warm lips heating her blood. “Yes, that would be my princess. I’ll call you in a few days to work out the details for our rehearsal dinner. I’ll text you measurements and preferences as soon as I can. Thanks, Kyle. We appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome, and congratulations.”

Darren texted furiously and then looked up. “Hannah Hailey’s available and on board for us. I’ve texted her the details we have so far.”

“Great. Thanks, Dad. See? This is all coming together. You don’t have to worry, princess.”

Abbey felt hot tears slide down her cheeks. Her heart was full. She was overwhelmed. Luke gathered her in his arms and drew her onto his lap. His body heat and strong loving arms wrapped around her made her feel loved, cherished, and protected. Everyone around them chatted happily about their upcoming wedding and continued eating.

Luke kissed her tenderly, just a soft brush of his lips. It was still enough for her body to respond. She couldn’t wait until they were alone again. Baby making or not.

“It’s all going to be all right. I know it seems overwhelming, but with Hannah’s help and the rest of the family, it’s all going to come together just the way we want it. I’m going to splurge and spoil you, just so you know. And unlike Jake, you will not give me any shit about it, right? You’re going to let me loose without an argument?” He arched a brow, waiting for her reply.

Abbey rested her head on Luke’s shoulder, revelling in the feel of him wrapped around her. She was right where she’d always wanted to be. Although there was still so much to do and the future was uncertain, she knew with Luke and everyone else in the room, they’d make it through.

“No arguments from me, Luke. Consider yourself let loose.”