Page 54 of On the Ropes

Luke’s Uncle Darren stepped up beside Abbey and put an arm around her shoulders. “That’s enough. Abbey, honey, did OSG require you to sign termination documents?”

Abbey nodded. “Yes, I had to so I’d get my six months’ severance and three months of paid health insurance.”

“So Tom, you tell Tim, Jim, John, Clark or whoever else thinks they can intimidate Abbey, that if they even consider withholding Abbey’s severance or any other benefits she’s entitled to, by the time my legal team is through with Office Supply Galaxy, she’ll own the damn company. Now get the hell out of here and don’t ever bother her again. Understand?”

Luke motioned to Rocco and his security detail. Rocco grabbed Tom by the arm, flanked by the others on the security team, and led Tom around the corner to the hotel exit.

Luke and everyone else sighed in relief. Abbey kissed Darren on the cheek and immediately returned to Luke’s side, lacing her fingers through his. Her beautiful smile lit up her face. Luke was more than capable of defending his woman, but he knew his uncle was protective of their family. He hadn’t had the heart to ask his uncle to step aside.

Abbey’s father Phil held out his hand and Darren shook it. “Thank you, Darren.”

Darren clapped Phil on the shoulder. “My pleasure, Phil. No one screws with this family if I have anything to say about it.”

Some onlookers applauded and snapped photos of Darren and Phil. “Don’t you all have someplace elseto be?” Luke barked.

His gut clenched. Who knew how much longer they’d all have Darren in their lives? Before Luke could contemplate his uncle’s future, two of his security detail ran toward them from around the corner.

“Everyone needs to get back to their rooms, immediately.”

“What’s going on?” Abbey asked him, concern in her lovely gaze.

Luke wasn’t sure. Did Tom do something? Then he saw the press descending, video cameras in hand, cameras flashing, and Brenna Sinclair heading toward them, larger than life, like the movie star she was. She wore a form-fitting, white, knee-length knit dress and high-heeled white pumps, a stark contrast to her silky dark-brown tresses. Brenna Sinclair was the epitome of Hollywood royalty—and she looked pissed. Damn. What the fuck, Brenna?

Abbey let go of his hand and stepped away. Why was Brenna doing things this way?

“There you are, Luke! I should have known. I’ve been waiting for you in our hotel room all weekend but you kept putting me off. Because of her, I bet?” Brenna flicked her dark-brown locks over her shoulder with dramatic flair. The paparazzi ate it up, the camera flashes nearly blinding.

Abbey looked him with watery eyes, betrayal etched in her delicate features. “Luke?”

“Now I know why you insisted I not attend your friend’s wedding as your guest. You said it was because you didn’t want to draw attention away from the bride and the groom. But now I know that was a lie. You wanted to spend time with her. Don’t even bother trying to deny it. Your escapades are all over social media. What a fool I was. I thought you were going to propose this weekend.”

“Luke, what’s the blonde’s name?”

“How long have you been cheating on Brenna, Luke?”

“Did you think you could have them both? Got a redhead somewhere too?”

Luke was going to kill Brenna for doing this. He thought she would mention they’d stopped seeing other this weekend with TMZ or Access Hollywood. Not create this unnecessary drama that he would have to untangle with Abbey. Actors.

“I can’t believe you did this to me again. I could be…” Abbey whispered as she tried to push her way through the crowd of press and onlookers.

Luke reached for her arm, but she pulled away as if she was repulsed at the thought of touching him. “Princess, it’s not what it seems.” Christ, did I just say that? Because it’s not what it seems.

Brenna gasped melodramatically. “You call her princess too?”

Fuck. This was getting worse by the second. Luke was relieved hotel security and the local police arrived. It’s about time. Before they could wrangle the press away, Abbey made a break for it and some paparazzi started after her.

“Rocco,” Luke shouted over the roar of commotion.

Rocco ushered Abbey away with the rest of his security detail as some the hotel’s security guards fended off the press.

His heart sank as his family stood around him with confused expressions on their faces. It was time for him to make everything right. Once and for all. He hoped it wasn’t too late.