Page 14 of On the Ropes

Abbey: I hope that’s not true. Thanks, but I’ll be fine.

Tom Murphy: You sure? I look amazing in my suit.

Abbey: Positive, I’m good.

Tom Murphy: Yes, you are. But I’ll check back later, just in case.

Abbey: You don’t have to, I’ll be fine.

Tom Murphy: Yes, you’re very fine but I’ll check with you later anyway.

Abbey: Whatever. Bye.

Tom Murphy: There’s always the after wedding brunch tomorrow at the Fairchild Hotel. I LOVE brunch!

Abbey: Just stop, don’t worry. See you Monday at the office.

Tom Murphy: We’ll see…

Come on, Tom, give it a rest. It’s never gonna happen between us.

She hoped Tom would get the hint when she texted she’d see him on Monday at the office. No one probably knew she had been laid off, other than her asshole manager and his two minions, since everyone knew she was taking Thursday and Friday as vacation days to prepare for the wedding. At least she was being paid for all her unused vacation time in addition to her severance.

The extra money would help as she embarked on her job search next week. With her severance and vacation pay, Abbey was in decent shape financially. She wouldn’t need to dip into her savings for quite a while. And she always had the option of taking contract or consulting positions if she had to and continue to look for something permanent that offered paid vacation time, health benefits, and paid holidays. Her education and experience would warrant a decent hourly contract rate. It would be all right.

Leah leaned over and whispered in Abbey’s ear. “So, no Tom, then?”

She nudged Leah away, smiling at her soon-to-be sister-in-law. “No Tom, and let it go.”

Just then, Patty Hailey breezed into the room wearing an elegant blonde up ’do and a powder-blue power suit. She turned to Abbey’s and Jake’s mothers. “All right, moms. You two are up. Ready to be escorted down the aisle?”

“Oh! Is it time already?” Abbey’s mother stood up. Her eye’s glistened with unshed tears. Same for Jake’s mother.

“Don’t ruin your makeup again, just look up and blink,” Abbey told them. They both did and went to Cassie one last time before leaving.

Cassie, her mother, and Jake’s mother all held hands for a moment. “Welcome to the family, Cassie.”

“Thanks, Mom. Welcome to ours.” All three women laughed.

Jake’s mother turned to Abbey’s. “I’ll meet you at the entrance doors.”

Angel, Vanessa, Madison, and Roxanna collected their supplies. “We’ll take our seats too. Good luck, Cassie,” Angel said for the stylists as they left conference room.

Patty Hailey put a hand on Abbey’s mother and Cassie’s shoulder. “I’ll give you both a minute. I looked in on the men. Great choice going traditional with black tails. They all look very handsome. I’ll send your father in once the mothers are seated.” Patty left the room and closed the door.

Abbey’s heart raced at the thought of seeing Luke all decked out in his tuxedo. She needed to get a grip and fast.

Get over it, Abbey. It’s just Luke, no big deal.

Leah leaned over. “I can’t wait to see Heath in his tux. And then maybe later, out of it.”

Abbey giggled and nudged Leah. Poor Heath. He didn’t stand a chance. She knew eventually Heath and Leah would get together. Leah wouldn’t allow for any other option. Abbey hoped it worked out for the two of them. Everyone knew Leah had been in love with the man her entire life. It would be a real shame if they didn’t end up together.

Abbey’s mother held on to both of Cassie’s hands. “This is it, my little girl is finally getting married. I had my doubts Jake was serious about you, you know.”

Abbey felt Leah stiffen beside her and Abbey took a hold of her hand. She spoke up before Cassie or Leah could. Jake didn’t deserve to be shit on, especially on his wedding day. “Mom, Jake just wanted to be sure he was able to take care of Cassie and their future family. He wanted to finish law school, pass the bar, and establish his career first. That’s a good thing.”

Her mother turned to her and Leah, a sympathetic look in her blue eyes. “I know and I wasn’t trying to insult your brother, Leah. I just meant a seven-year engagement is unusual.”