“What I meant was no, I don’t want to make out now.”
“But perhaps...later?”
Jane couldn’t help it this time, whirling around as she blurted out, “Really?”
“Absolutely, pet.” The man’s fingers started caressing her hand, and Jane was both distracted and fascinated by the variety of sensations that his touch evoked.
Excitement. Fear. Restlessness. Heat. Need.
And so, so much more, she just needed more time to grasp all of them.
“But I want to get to know you first.”
It took a while for the man’s words to sink in, and when they did, a sheepish smile formed on Jane’s lips. “Shouldn’t that be my line?”
“Women,” he told her solemnly, “aren’t the only ones who can have standards.”
“I really want to believe you,” Jane answered truthfully, “but let’s just agree to disagree, shall we?”
He only smiled. “What’s your name?”
“Jane.” It didn’t even occur to her to lie. “And you...pet?”
His laughter rang out, but Jane didn’t blame him. The word had sounded gross when she was the one who said it. Maybe it only worked with a crisp British accent?
When she caught him looking at her, Jane felt unsure. Was that a hey-she’s-even-prettier-than-I-realized look? Or was it more a what-the-hell-am-I-doing-with-her glance?
Finally, he said, “I hope you don’t think I’m being dodgy or anything, but I’d rather not give you my name.”
As soon as he spoke, her gaze automatically strayed to his fingers. Oh thank God, Jane thought in relief when she saw that they were bare.
“A little late to check if I’m married, don’t you think?”
Jane looked up, shamefaced. “I know.” She gnawed on her lip, mumbling, “In my defense – all of this is...new.”
“I didn’t notice,” the man said politely.
How sweet, she thought, surprised. And so she told him sincerely, “You say a lot of things I want to believe.”
The words only seemed to amuse him. “You want to – but you can’t?”
Her shoulders moved in an awkward, apologetic shrug, and not wanting to say anything offensive, she changed the subject, asking, “Anyway...what do I call you?”
“I’m open to suggestions.”
Her face creased with a frown. “Let me see...”
As Jane spoke, he gestured towards the balcony, and she nodded to his silent question, allowing him to lead her.
A nice breeze greeted them outside, and for one moment she just breathed, savoring the salty scent of the beach.
“Well, pet?” Jane’s breath caught as his hands settled on her hips before turning her around to face him. “Have you thought of a name?”
“Umm...maybe Mr. I Want To Be Mysterious?”
His eyes gleamed.