She jerked. Oh my God. He had done it again. TMI! Weren’t Englishmen supposed to be reserved? So why the hell couldn’t Christian understand he was saying too much?

Jared’s expression hardened at the unmistakable taunt. “You know what? You’re right. You’re unlikely to forget tonight – but what about next time?”

“I don’t make the same mistake twice,” Christian bit out.

Jane decided it was time for her to intrude. She cleared her throat, saying, “You know, I could always commute—-”

Christian and Jared scowled at her.

“Or not,” Jane finished. “I mean, duh. That’s crazy. Why would I even want to commute? Tsk.”

Christian was the first to grin reluctantly, and Jared’s expression relented a moment later, both of them realizing how tension had them inadvertently snapping at the very woman whose attention they were competing for.

Jared turned to Jane. “Ms. Cooper.”

She automatically straightened, hearing her CEO speak to her.

“Let me take you home.”

And that was unmistakably a CEO ordering his employee.

Jane bit her lip.

Christian’s gaze narrowed at his friend. “That’s unexpectedly underhanded of you.”

“I didn’t get to where I am by playing nice,” Jared retorted, “and neither did you.”

Christian’s arm tightened around Jane. “Don’t let him intimidate you, pet. He’s not really going to fire you.”

“But if he does,” Jane muttered under her breath.

“Trust me.”

She gulped.

AMC’s CEO stared at her. “What is it to be, Ms. Cooper?”

Her lips parted, but the words just wouldn’t come. It was so embarrassing to actually pick a name.

Christian was amused when Jane started unconsciously moving backward until she was hiding behind his back like a child trying to escape from a sermon.

And then he heard her mumble, “I’d rather not put you through more trouble—-”

Christian stiffened. Fuck. What if she thought she was taking him away from work and so she had ended up choosing his friend?


The last word was practically inaudible, but both men heard it and understood.

Christian reached for Jane’s hand behind his, and as soon as her fingers twined with his, he squeezed her hand tightly, his heart still hammering against his chest.


That had been a major fucking scare.

He looked at Jared. “She’s mine for the night.”

Jared acknowledged his words with a cock of his head. “True.” He stepped towards his limousine then paused before entering, saying, “But remember that she’s mine for the day.”