Jane wondered if she should be insulted. Were they being sexist, or was it a bromance thing? She received a glare for doing nothing, and yet the most they could do was stare into each other’s eyes?
“Fraulein.” The waiter’s hesitant voice made Jane glance back at him. “Perhaps I could translate?”
Jane beamed. “Are you sure? I thought I couldn’t ask you to do that because it’s...” she lowered her voice, saying confidingly, “...a social gaffe.”
The intimate tone of Jane’s voice flustered the waiter, and he stammered, “I would be more than happy to translate.”
“Translate away then,” Jane said cheerfully.
As he translated each line, the waiter’s thin chest began to puff with pride when he saw the attentive way Jane listened to him.
Christian and Jared watched in stark silence as Jane unknowingly had the boy falling under her spell.
What a bewitching witch she was, Jared thought broodingly. If only Christian Ravenhearst had not discovered her first.
As soon as the waiter confirmed Jane’s orders, Christian dismissed him imperiously, “You may go.”
For one moment, the younger man had the insane idea of refusing. But then he saw the ruthless look in the man’s eyes and knew he wouldn’t stand a chance.
Christian’s iPhone vibrated against the table at the same time Jared’s did.
She watched them reach for their phones and read their messages in the exact same manner and did her best not to laugh. They might not want to admit it, but only guys who were exceptionally close friends with each other could be that similar.
Jared put his phone down. “What do you think about Caruthers’ network?”
“It’s worth considering.” Christian paused. “If he’s to be trusted.”
“But you don’t.”
“No, I don’t. He’s the kind that would stab us in the back the first chance he gets.”
“I think the same,” Jared acknowledged. “However, he’s also one of the few who has the server capacity you need to provide backup.”
Jane sat back and listened in quiet contentment as the two men continued with their conversation. As an inter-department operative, Jane was tasked to provide P.R. assistance to any department in AMC whenever needed. Over the years, this had allowed her to acquire a substantial background in everything from finance to human resources to I.T., and now the knowledge proved handy, allowing her to easily follow Jared and Christian’s conversation.
Even having their food served didn’t put a stop to the talks, but Jane didn’t mind, and she took it upon herself to ensure that the men’s glasses were refilled and plates taken away as soon as they were done with each course.
When dinner was over and they had finished drinking coffee, Jared and Christian suddenly looked at her as if only remembering that Jane had been with them the entire night.
Jane rolled her eyes. Men and their business talk.
Jared and Christian grinned.
“Apologies,” Jared murmured.
“Sorry, pet,” Christian murmured.
Jared’s chauffeur-driven limousine arrived first. “Shall I take her home?”
“Actually—-” Christian’s tone was very soft. “You won’t need to, after all. I can take her.”
“Are you certain?” Jared questioned. “Your work might make you forget. Again.”
And Jane started feeling there was something wrong in the air – again.
Weren’t these two supposed to be friends?
“That won’t be likely this time.” Christian’s arm went around her waist. “Since I have no plans of letting her go home tonight.”